Calling the Borg "Mother"

by Iwonder17 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    I find that people that use this are older and associated some time with anointed jws or are imitating older and/or anointed jws. Don't hear it around this area much.

    I have seen this occasionally but note it is a quote from Losch:

    *** w01 6/15 p. 26 Be Joyful With the Kingdom Hope! ***Brother Lösch concluded by saying: "In order to remain spiritually protected, we must remain under the wings of Jehovah. This means that we must not develop a spirit of independence. Let us always stay close to Jehovah and his motherlike organization, not separating ourselves from their direction and loving counsel."

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I think this must be a predominantly American practice. I've heard it very rarely in the UK.

  • AllTimeJeff

    It is a big thing around NY and the 3 branches. It seems that when people leave Bethel and filter back in the US, they take that terminology with them.

  • mkr32208

    This is old news... I've been calling them all 'mother' for a long long time... Of course the next word in the sentence is usually 'fuckers' but hey thats life!

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    As a mother, I find it extremely offensive. Many times people on this site have used the term. There is absolutely nothing mother like about the WTBS.

    I don't know about that beks. You're bossy, just like the society. You're wrong an average of 95% of the time, just like the society. You think you know more than you do, and others are wrong, just like the society. You like to feign offense, just like the society. And finally, you're full of spit, just like the society. I'd say that's some pretty striking similarities.

  • viva

    The director of The Company (CIA) is refered to as Mother.

    Fitting, I guess, to refer to headquarters as Mother. They do whatever they want without reason and answer to no one.

  • tinker

    I heard it on and off over 50yrs I was a dub. Usually from someone closely connected to NY HQ. My mom was a liberal Jdub and always rolled her eyes at the careless euphemism use. One old timer, former CO and Grand Poobah around here took me aside one time when I questioned some insturction in a letter from NY. He pointed his finger at me and said, 'we Do Not question MOTHER"

  • mrsjones5

    I don't recalled the term "Mother" ever being used in any of the kingdom halls I attended. I've either blanked it all out or I really wasn't paying attention. My mind did wander quite a bit.

  • Quandary

    Over the years they have based the term "mother' applying to the "faithful slave" very loosely on Galatians 4:26: "But the Jerusalem that is above is free, which is our mother." ASV- However, Paul was saying that the Jerusalem above was his and his counterparts' mother. How they stretched it to apply to them is anybody's guess. We all know how convuluded and utterly nonsensical is their theology! Anyway, recently the CO mentioned in the elders' meeting, that we should NOT be using the term. He did not refer to a directive from the CCOJW, he just corrected one of the "yes" men in the group after he used the term in his comment.


  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    I never really heard the term much until I decided to stop attending meetings and told a close friend why - she told me in no uncertain terms that the organisation was her mother and that as I was disrespecting the org it was as it I was disrespecting her own mother. WTF? I thought at the time, something is seriously amiss here, one of my best friends is talking more like a cult member than a friend......

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