The People Up There vs. The People Down Here

by Confession 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • HintOfLime

    Do we tend to excuse "the people down here," but angrily condemn "the people up there"?

    I can excuse 'the people down here' for trying to live their lives as best they can and sometimes getting it wrong.

    The 'people up there', on the other hand, put themselves up there. They want to have authority over those below, and with great power comes great responsibility. In the WT case, the Governing Body has positioned themselves as God's voice on earth, and are eager to tell everyone how they should live.

    They want the authority - and when they get it wrong and create a system that starts hurting people - they should be held responsible for it.

    - Lime

  • Confession

    Bing bing bing! At last we have a rare, specific response to what I was trying to discuss. (Sorry if I wasn't clear.)

    Do we tend to excuse "the people down here," but angrily condemn "the people up there"?

    I can excuse 'the people down here' for trying to live their lives as best they can and sometimes getting it wrong.

    The 'people up there', on the other hand, put themselves up there. They want to have authority over those below, and with great power comes great responsibility. In the WT case, the Governing Body has positioned themselves as God's voice on earth, and are eager to tell everyone how they should live.

    They want the authority - and when they get it wrong and create a system that starts hurting people - they should be held responsible for it.

    This is the best example so far of what I find to be the case. I was just waiting for someone to say "with great power comes great responsibility." But I will suggest that--while there is much truth in this concept--it is also used as a deflection in a situation such as this. The woman who chose not to report this recent case of pedophilia was fully aware of the consequences of her actions. She, having been a victim of molestation as a child herself, knows well the sick, sad ramifications of child abuse. She is aware that this person will likely do it again to some other child. So to suggest that she's just "getting it wrong," is to suggest that she doesn't really understand the consequences--when in fact she does.

    And, yes, if we want to discuss how wrong it is for ANY organization to put themselves in the position the WTS has, we can do that. We can talk about them having to accept responsibility for everything they do. But it does NOT excuse those who are not in a position of authority when they fail to do EXACTLY those things we will condemn an organization for. And it is hypocritical of us to look past the behavior of individuals in this regard--while angrily denouncing organizations for the same thing.

    The reason why the WTS is wrong for not reporting is, among other things, they are failing to do their part to halt the ugly cycle of pedophilia, despite their having the ability to do so. But a mentally competent parent--aware of the consequences--is in PRECISELY the same position when pedophilia is visited upon them. They have "put themselves up there" in a sense too, haven't they? They have chosen to be parents and have accepted the authority and responsibility that comes with it. And they TOO have failed to do their part in helping to halt the cycle of child molestation.

  • HintOfLime

    You make some good points, Confession.

    I guess the difference is perception - when the 'higher ups' get something wrong, the amount of damage done can be a few orders of magnitude more than when the individual gets it wrong. But the individual is still wrong.

    - Lime

  • Blueeyes54

    I spent over fifty years as a JW and was hated by the elders because I did talk and yes, as an individual I did tell. I was infuriated when I attended a wedding to see a man who had been disfellowshipped for raping young brothers, mingling with the witnesses attending because he had been reinstated. He happened to be the father of the groom. I had driven a long ways to attend and had a car load of others to see to or I would have had my say and left. Now I wished I'd gone and called the police because I ended out getting thrown out anyway. Women and children are no longer safe in the organization because the "good ole boys" club has a stranglehold. Every individual must weigh their conscience on these matters. I just know that if a little child had come up to Jesus and said a Pharisee molested him, Jesus would have done something truely judisious. Stoning was still done in those days. It got rid of the problem. Today stoning is done symbolically by calling the authorities. There's the same guilded cup syndrome the Pharisees had. The outside must look clean and shiny at all cost. No one is supposed to know what is going on in the inside.


    All the while the witnesses have watchtower articles like April 15 Par. 15

    "Modern day apostates display characteristics similar to the devil. Their mind may be poisoned by a critical attitude toward individuals in the congregation, Christian elders, or the governing body……"

    All the while they read and accept such absolute RUBBISH, then these things will OUT OF FEAR not come to light.


  • Confession

    You make some good points, Confession.

    I guess the difference is perception - when the 'higher ups' get something wrong, the amount of damage done can be a few orders of magnitude more than when the individual gets it wrong. But the individual is still wrong.

    Agreed. The idea behind this thread is something that transcends this issue. For many years, but lately in particular, I believe this issue keeps entering my consciousness to teach me an important lesson. In the weekend job I have, I find myself (for instance) surrounded by associates who look for every POSSIBLE reason to find fault with the company. They leap to point out things that they suspect are not as ultimately ideal as they would have them, how the company should be taking extraordinary measures to reward and please them...all while they sit and forge fake receipts to turn in for expense reimbursement with smirks on their faces.

    And I get a kick at how the majority look the other way, find excuses, and generally make the way smooth for us to have a different set of standards for The People Up There vs. The People Down Here.

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