I was talking once to a Ba'Hai friend many years ago, and she said that to her, JWs were a violent religion! I was taken aback, as I was still somewhat into then. I was always proud of the fact that Witnesses are so against war. She said, "I know you don't believe in war, but you believe that God will kill all these millions of people in front of your eyes and you will not be affected by that?"
I started to think of that. Witnesses are taught to shun violence, to practice war no more, and that and their lack of racist feelings are the best things about them. But, I know how watching a violent movie affects me. I'm horrified by violence. I tried to watch "Saving Private Ryan" and ended up covering my eyes and somewhat traumatized by the violent war scenes.
And yet...we're supposed to rejoice when Jehovah destroys people in front of our eyes, when the blood is ankle deep and the birds of the heavens and the beasts of the earth are feasting on the flesh of fallen millions.
I can't imagine anything more ghastly, it's unimaginable horrible to me. I once said to another Witness, being rather flip, "It's a good thing there will be a thousand years after that...I'll need a thousand to quit having nightmares about watching millions of people die."
Of course, as I got a bit more "worldly" IE, unbrain-washed in my thinking, I came to view those sanitized pictures of Armageddon in the Witness literature as laughable. They're ludicrous! Worldwide destruction would be unimaginably horrible, and the trauma of seeing it equally unimaginable and horrible. There's going to be body parts everywhere and blood everywhere in that sort of destruction, not people neatly and conveniently falling into cracks in the earth.
I suppose some JWs believe that God will take care of that horror with some convenient miracle, but there's no mention of that. No....not at all...they speak of standing still and observing Jehovah kill millions with some sort of joy at the vindication of his name. I tell you, unless you're a sociopath, that's not how you're going to feel watching God mow down your neighborhood in a righteous bloodbath.
I prefer to take Revelation and other apocalyptic Biblical visions as a bit more...metaphorical. Because taken literally, it's pure crack.