Sorry guys...but judgment goes with the job description. If God doesn't judge, then he would be a collaborator in man's evil.
One thing does disturb me though about a lot of the reasoning on this board concerning death. As witnesses we had several phobias installed....which make no sense logically.
The phobic reasoning went something sorta like this: If you don't do what the Watchtower says then you might die at Armageddon. I don't know for the life of me why that should have been so terrifying.... but it was. I mean think about it....everyone dies. Death is so common.... why should that have been such a big deal?
Funny how I never recall the WT quoting the following scripture:
it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment - Heb. 9:27
It takes a while to come to terms with reality in this area.