Myths are about the power of belief, not anything rational and scientific. I've always looked at the Bible stories as myths, metaphors, and useful as such, but they are not less powerful for that, just as the myths of other faiths also have power. They have whatever power the believer gives them.
That power can be abused, but it can also produce good things. Sadly, people use their power of belief in some detrimental and harmful ways much of the time. We've all seen this firsthand.
But, to substitute science for belief is foolish, as you will not come to any correct real world solutions. But, science is also not a substitute for belief. It should not and does not address spirituality and the unique need many humans have to believe in something, however irrational, that is supernatural, beyond the tangible.
I think you can successfully be a spiritual person, a believer in something and still be scientific, rational and logical. One thing need not replace or undermine the other.
Religions that try to replace science are ludicrous, of course, but science trying to abolish spiritual need is ludicrous too. We're complex enough to understand both, and use both in beneficial ways.