Survey: Jehovah's Witnesses pray the most nationally
by Gayle 17 Replies latest social current
The important thing is who you are praying to. The JWs think they are praying to "Jehovah" but the only way to the Father is through Jesus and His blood, which they shun. They believe the WT is their advocate before the Father, not Jesus :(
All the best,
Tired of the Hypocrisy
If you count two days of going to meeting that's 4 per week
Meetings before service at least 5 per week
Everytime they feel a Deemuhn tickling their ear 7,000,000 a day. It's no wonder.
darth frosty
But, They're praying for the death of billions?!?
Over 3 years ago I asked the question; "Have you ever had a prayer answered?" Despite five pages of responses no-one could demonstrate that they had.
Telling . . . . .
drew sagan
Notice this:
"It's more likely [atheists] enjoy messing with the people doing the survey," said Stuart Bechman, president of the Atheist Alliance International. "Maybe they are talking about grace at dinner with a religious family."
When I was JW I would go long peroids of time without praying and I know that many others probably did too. A good possibility here is that JWS would know the "correct" answer to give when replying to this survey. That would be the answer that shows that JWs are more spiritual than everybody else. What good JW would admit to not praying often, even if they didn't?
DS- I agree. As a JW I would have answered 'daily' even though I didn't. You want to ensure the proper 'image' of the faith, and so would answer daily just to look good.
Just like you can keep the internet on idle and it appear as if you are constantly on the internet, you can keep prayer on idle and give the impression you are constantly praying.
Yes, I do pray several times a day and yes many have been answered. I follow the pattern of King David. If the answer is yes then may such and such hppen and if the answer is no then a different such and so. God doesn't change, so if he answered David in this manner he will anser you. That is why we need faith. Heb. 13:1 Sometimes the answer is no, but often times it is more to clarify your thinking in tune with God's thinking. He loves you despite what the nay sayers declare.