The truth = YES WE ARE!! Ive said this in the past but really why am I at the door...not to sell vaccum cleaners! We dont "force" people to change religions.....we just force them to stay in with disfellowshiping......."we don't hate Gays".......we are just waiting for them to be burnt to death at Armagedon.
"We are not hear to change your religion"....why do Witnesses lie?
by Witness 007 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals
This is classic dissonance. JWs believe both that they are preaching to only "encourage Bible reading" and also believe that they are there to find converts. I can't believe I believed this stuff and did it myself.
We are not here to change your religion, we recognize that we only need to sell WT literature which, when studied, will do the changing.
We don't force people to change religions, we just bring WT so-called truth to them, then say that knowledge brings responsibility.
If you don't want "the truth" you are free to be destroyed soon.We don't hate gays. We don't hate anyone, Jehovah will destroy them out of love for us.
People don't join destructive, mind-control cults. They are RECRUITED into them.
Deception is a large part of the recruitment process. To their credit, most JWs don't realize this. If they do, they feel the end justifies the means.
If you examine the Bible Teach book, you will find some of THE most crucial information on the last pages. The new student will encounter this crucial information after months of love-bombing.
To their credit, most JWs don't realize this. If they do, they feel the end justifies the means.
Very true. I remember knowing it wasn't true, but the ends did justify the means. If it was to bring people into the truth, then it was fine.
The Berean
I have another theory:
I don't think Witnesses actually DO want to convert everyone. If the masses were JWs, then the scripture that says " broad and spacious is the road leading to destruction" would apply. Witnesses are proad to be on the "narrow road" which they claim leads to life.
Therefore public rejection is no more than validation for the "faithful." They are at the door to establish superiority over the householder! They are out in the field to earn their right to life, not to change anyone's religion ... they simply are attempting to flaunt the correctness of their cause ...
I think the comment that brings up the "bible teach" book, nailed it right on!
we sugar coat it all for new ones, family, and interested ones. then when the right time comes, we tell them to throw out their crosses, candles, and saint pictures!
I remember quite a few instanced. when I was studying (a non-jw friend of mine, and still is), my partner (which was elder want-to-be). would keep quiet for only the first
few months.... after a few months, he told the study many things to get rid of. he also told him to get rid of his bank CD's (certificated of deposit), for the end was near, and there would be no need for them.
he even told this friend of mine, to not associate with his cousin, and stop going to the gym!
if we would tell them to get rid of their religion on the first study, then everyone of them would kick our arse!
I don't think Witnesses actually DO want to convert everyone.
I can only speak from my own pesonal experience.
I DID want to save the people I preached to. I did not want them to die at Armageddon.
I can't believe I used to tell people that. What else were you there for?
But, the contradiction is it's harder to get into the JWs than a private club, at least now. Back in the day, anyone who asked and who was studying a while would get dunked, but now you have to go through the elder inquisition and already be living the Witness regimen a while to get baptized.
I guess they discovered that too many people were dunking and running, they lost a lot of these quickie conversions, or so it seems to me.