"We are not hear to change your religion"....why do Witnesses lie?

by Witness 007 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mindmelda

    I never had one productive Bible study in 33 years of professing to be a Witness.

    I was a good publisher but we lived for most of that time in a heavily LDS area that offers their people such an extensive social support system, not any of them wanted to jump ship for the Witnesses. You could get them to study for a short time, then they'd politely tell you no thanks.

    One family finally became rather inactive JWs there, but they had been Catholics. And, a JW woman married a Mormon and joined the LDS church, so I guess it was Mormons-1, JW-0 for that area. LOL

  • mraimondi

    semantics semantics

  • rebel8

    This is one of the things I remember from brainwashing boot camp pioneer school.

    We were supposed to tell them we're not here to change your religion, only you can do that, we're just here to tell you the truth.

    Basically the jist of boot camp was to not tell people unsavory things about dubs, and the main goal is to separate the goats blah blah, not worrying about who converts.

  • blondie

    Actually it is much like the WTS saying that they do not forbid members to 1) not salute the flag or not stand for the national anthem or not join the military, 2) not have a blood transfusion 3) not to vote.............it is their personal decision. So it is that the WTS thinks that they are not telling people to change their religion but it is their personal choice. Of course, they also believe that if they make the wrong "choice" they will die.

    *** w02 1/1 p. 12 par. 15 All True Christians Are Evangelizers ***Whether they will accept the good news or not is a matter of personal choice. There is no compulsion. If there were, conversion would be meaningless.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Then the lie, "We are not hear to change your religion," is followed by another lie... "We're offering our neighbors a FREE HOME BIBLE STUDY."

    Free? Even if they don't donate money, it's gonna cost them valuable hours every month that would be better spend at work, at school, with family, ... heck, the time would be better spent picking their noses or watching paint dry.

    Home? Well, it won't be much of a home after the family gets turned upside-down with the Watchtower guidelines on no holidays, limited school and social activities for the kids, entertainment restrictions for the whole family, including new bedroom restrictions for the couple.

    Bible? They'll provide you with a copy of their own NWT Bible tainted with their preconceived beliefs. You'll only need to use a few verses from their Bible, since the only textbook for weekly consideration will be the latest "current truth" Botchtower Corporation litteratrash.

    Study? No study required. It's just parroting back what was just read from the litteratrash paragraph... in your own words. It's basic indoctrination without any research or "study" involved.

    So, I guess they should say, "We're not here to change your religion. We're trying to get you to change your own religion... with our help. The way we're going to convince you that ours is the true religion that you need to join, is through our Home Wrecking, Time Wasting, Botchtower Corporation Litteratrash Indoctrination Sessions!"

    I dunno, maybe that truthful presentation would be slightly more successful than the lies they're telling at the doors now.

    B the X

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle


    Making someone change the religion they were born in to, takes supreme effort.

    Making someone change the religion they were born in to - to a religion that is as wacked-out as the JW religion takes monumental effort beyond what most normal people are willing to sacrifice.

    ...Monumental effort like 7 billion hours of annual door to door evangelizing effort, and a world-wide training program designed to find and capture new recruits.

    We're not here to change your religion? Yeah right. You can rationalize away just about anything with loopholes, like we're not here to change anyones religion, we are just here to teach them the truth.... That's like a murderer coming to someone's door and saying "I am not here to kill you, I'm just here to put this bullet in to your heart." Pretty crazy.

    The Oracle

  • truthsetsonefree

    Let's never forget one big reason why they say this: They're taught to. And they're too brainwashed to do or think anything else. Otherwise they would be bothered telling such a bald faced lie.

  • BluesBrother

    Just words..a careful choice of words to be not absolutely literally untruthful, just misleading enough to achieve their purpose.

    My recent employers used to want to get customers in the office for a "free financial review and unbiased advice" , but it was no more than an opportunity to sell a life policy or something similar...

    same technique, same motive , just corporate thinking..

  • isaacaustin

    oh wow. This brings back memories. Aothough it has been about 19 yrs since I have knocked at the door I remember clearly telling householders "We are not here toconvert you..."

  • undercover

    I started a thread on this a long time ago called, "Hello, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses and we're here to convert you..."

    and in that thread this was my comment:

    How many times did we respond to the classic householder line, "I have my own religion" with "we understand that most people have their own religion. We are not here to convert people. We are just sharing a hope from the Bible...." or some such nonsense? We most certainly were there to convert people. I myself spouted that line countless times. And each time I said it, I knew I was lying. My father-in-law loves to tell field ministry experiences. Each time he says that he overcame some objection and each time he tells them that "we aren't trying to convert....". I couldn't help myself one day. I interupted him and said, "yes you are. That's exactly what your're trying to do. That's the whole reason you're there, is to try to get him to study, then come to the hall and then get baptized. To tell him anything is else is a deception".

    Wouldn't it be refreshing to hear a JW tell the truth for once and say, "Hello, my name is (insert name here). I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses. We're calling today to see if you'd be interested in buying some of our literature and converting to our religion."

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