...Jehovah`s Witness`s have the most Stable Marriages...
by OUTLAW 69 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks Homer!!.............JW divorce rate is Higher than most,according to those stats.......................................OUTLAW
Wow, its interesting to read about all this marital strife among JW's. My wife and I were both raised in the Truth and married in our early 20's and have been married for almost 20 years now. I did a quick check list of all the couples we know in our and surrounding halls and I cannot think of one divorce. However, if I go "outside" of my circle of friends and include brothers and sisters that are older, I can definately point out a few divorces but nothing that would be considered a statistical anomaly.
Don't get me wrong, I have a *ton* of criticisms against the WTS and a number of Elders/MS's.
no more kool aid
My elder father and pioneer mother got divorced. Through the years most of the couples that got married around the same time are divorced. Right now, in our locale, I know of about 5 pending divorces. One couple, husband is an elder. Another was only married 3 wks. I totally agree that getting married for the wrong reasons (sex) and the headship thing is the reason. Then I know of many many very unhappy JW marriages. Usually headship is to blame. Example wife is working but he still expects dinner, shopping, childcare and laundry to be done by her.
Hey Homer, do you know the original source for that chart? Very interesting. I'd like to read about the study design and # of participants. thanks
The Oracle
As an elder for about 20 years I can confirm that JW marriages are no more stable than marriages outside the group.
In fact I came across very few marriages that I would describe as healthy (less than 10%).
Lots of divorces. Lots of cheating. Lots of abuse, both mentally and physically.
The Oracle
Homerovah the Almighty
It could be looked upon as marriages that are being controlled by a religious orders or faith might be perceived to be stable,
these given controls might very well make for stability but they can also produce unhappiness and a assortment of other
emotional problems for individuals.
Oracle..JW kids get to see a lot of things..Go for a sleep over as a JW kid and you will be ignored..The parents will carry on as usual..................................OUTLAW
I dont know one couple in my generation who stayed married or didnt end up having an affair or being divorced, myself included.
In fact I would go so far as to say the divorce rate is higher now among witnesses than non witnesses.
it certainly is in my experience - and especially in the UK the girls marry so young even 16 and 17