...Jehovah`s Witness`s have the most Stable Marriages...

by OUTLAW 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hey Homer,

    What is the source of that chart? Looks like it came from a book.

    The Oracle

  • bobld

    Outlaw the first part of your comments are what the GB/WBTS feeds the shellow minded sheep.The

    sheep do not know any different.If you herd the sheep over a cliff they will go willingly.Likewise when

    the GB/WBTS says JW have few divorces the sheep believe.However,they just cannot except the real truth.

    In one congregation that I know,thru the years if you were to add up all the divorces approx 30 couples.

    As you can see, each one here has similar experiences for each congregation that they are assoc with.

    So the overall divorce rate for JW is high,never mind those who stick it out because of the BIG disfellow

    ship stick.Yeah those poor sheep do not know any better because they only see it from a very narrow



  • steve2

    Who can forget the 1950s and 1960s when there was a spate of older married male JWs who deliberately committed adultery, paid the price (being disfellowshipped), served their time out in the cold, and were reinstated with much younger JW wives. In the vernacular, it's called trading in your wife for a younger model.

    In the relatively small congregation I was raised in (100-120 publishers), there were at least 6 cases of this over an 8-year period. Despite the cleansing actions of all the disfellowshippings, the heartbreak and devastation have reverberated down through the years.

  • Gordy

    I seem to recall a long while ago how the Watchtower was pointing out that "in the world" that 2 out of 3 marriages fail. That this doesn't happen with "Jehovah's people" and they have stable marriages.

    But someone followed it up with a survey of JW marriages and it came out that 2 out of 3 JW marriages also fail.

    As others have said I too have known cases of divorce in my old congregation, and with other JWs. I remember back in the 1980's the two sons of one of our Elders, who were also Elders but in other congregations. They both committed adultery, got disfellowshipped, got divorced, married the other woman, got reinstated, back as Elders in 3 years.

    We had a brother in the congregation a Min Servant, pioneer, married two children, the kind of JW who you thought had "Watchtower" written through him. He worked as a window cleaner (thats a surprise) anyway its turned out he was doing more than clean windows for a couple of his female customers. Wife divorced him, kicked him out the house. He was DF'd, later reinstated, then did exactly the same thing again, got DF'd again, reinstated again.

    Oh! By the way I have been separated for 13 years.

  • Hope4Others

    There were 5 couples we associated in our congregation all now divorced, it was shocking....who knew the troubles, people

    hide things well.


  • oldflame

    Me thinks it is a bunch of bull too.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    My brother in law married a pioneer 18years old girl ... divorced in 2 years

    A PO (age over 70) in my KH has a daughter, who he has not seen for over 40 years (thou living not far ....) ... she is not DF, she never was a JW .... she is not a criminal, just a normal lady ... he just doesnt care about her ....thats something i would never comprehend ... something I never saw in "the world" ...

    WTBS - real destructive power for a family...


  • WTWizard

    The witlesses have marriages that may appear happy and stable on the outside. Yet, there is almost always stagnation and disappointment within them--never being allowed to do anything outside the standard act within the marriage for fear of being ratted out, poverty, having the same crap job, wasting too much time and energy out in field circus, and never having any time or money (or excitement) can drain the excitement out of a marriage. Yet they will not get divorced because "Jehovah hates a divorcing", and they are supposed to look and act happy all the time regardless.

    That aside, I know of one witless couple (the humanoid that dragged me into the cancer in the first place) that was, at the time, on his second wife. He got divorced from his first wife because she got tired of his tyranny and refused to give him any sex (I wonder why). Adultery resulted, and he got disfellowshipped for three years on that one. Then, shortly before dragging me into the cancer, he got married again. When he had me visit, it seems that every other phrase was "Can't you be more submissive?". They had a couple of boys, and eventually that wife withdrew sex from him for ongoing tyranny. Adultery resulted again, and this time he was out for two years. She refused to divorce him, so he was trapped (serves him right for being a tyrant). He tried again in about 2000, and I would bet $500 that they are apart on account of his tyranny.

  • isaacaustin

    well, as a kid I thought that was the case...it seemed to be. I always heard how we did not have the same problems those 'of the world' had to face, such as broken familes and divorce. I must say in the past several years they have sure made up for lost time on this one.

  • snowbird

    What all of you said.

    I'm going to start a thread on another laundromat encounter.

    The unbaptized wife of a newly-appointed elder in my area really dished it up to me on yesterday.


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