When we leave the WBT$ Religious Cult "Jehovah`s Witness`s"..The WBT$ encourages our familys to have little,or nothing to do with us..........Our own Jehovah`s Witness Parents will do exactly as the WBT$ commands..Mine did.......My Jehovah`s Witness Parents told other Jehovah`s Witness`s,"I hated all Jehovah`s Witness`s"..Not true..I just did`nt like the Religion..I had no problem with most individual JW`s.............................How did your Jehovah`s Witness Family treat you,when you no longer wanted to participate as a Jehovah`s Witness?...........................................................................OUTLAW
How did your Jehovah`s WItness Family treat you,when you no longer wanted to participate as a Jehovah`s Witness?
by OUTLAW 30 Replies latest jw friends
zombie dub
mine barely talk to me, even tho I am not DA or DFed
Zombie Dub..I was never DA or DF..I just didn`t want to participate in something I did not believe..I was treated badly for a decade..I put them out of my life after 10 years of that..............Then they complained that I would`nt have anything to do with them..LOL!!........................................OUTLAW
zombie dub
yea sounds exactly the same with me, they will talk to me... just... if i make all the effort. If i don't then I never hear a thing. I'm sure they go around saying I am a terrible son to all the other zombie dubs!
Mom and Dad (elder) still ring every week. They've assured me that our relationship won't change. Which was a big relief. I thought that they'd been shunning my DF sister for 17 years. Only when I left too and contacted her did I find out that they had a normal relationship. They're only careful about who KNOWS that they're talking to their children.
I asked mom last winter if the elders said she had to stop talking to her children or be DF, what would she do. She said she'd be DF. They won't leave otherwise though, even though they don't agree with some things.
Missing Link..You got a better deal than a lot of us..Your parents still have a heart
....."They're only careful about who KNOWS that they're talking to their children.".........
The WBT$ would punish them.....................................OUTLAW -
After we (hubby, son & I) missed the memorial last year for the first time in 40 years, my family realised there was more to us not attending meetings and going out in fs than us just being down or stumbled etc. Later in the year my dad asked my husband how he could help us and my hubby told him these are the issues we have with the WTS. Dad immediately switched out of dad mode, switched on elder mode and started using words like 'apostates'. He came to see us in December - still in elder mode, tie and briefcase etc - to supposedly help us with the issues but he really didn't want to hear our side of it. Once or twice the JW mask slipped and I thought we were getting through to him but it didn't take long for the cult mentality to take over again.
As he left to go and 'discuss this situation with the rest of the family' he handed me a letter from my brother. It was a cold, curt business type letter advising my husband, 18yr old son and I we were to have nothing whatsoever to do with him, his wife or young children - no communication in any form at all. This from a brother who up until a short time ago I was very close to and had constantly helped through major problems in his life, especially in the last few years. In mid January, after hearing nothing for 4 weeks I talked to my dad on the phone - he said he was not going to waste his time driving up to see us - a 20 minute drive! He gave me an ultimatum. Either we go to the elders, repent of our sins of apostasy and return to being a JW or the rest of my family cuts us off. He gave me 4 hours to think about it and get back to him. I rang back and said we are not going to return to being JWs. He ranted, raved and insulted me for the next 20 minutes - such as I'm satanic, demonised, lost my intelligence, deceitful, never really was in the truth etc etc and that as far as he is concerned I am dead.
He also said he was going to report us to the elders to have us disfellowshipped - but that hasn't happened yet, probably due to the fact that we have my very elderly staunch JW mother-in-law living with us. I am her carer. Her only other relative who could look after her is her other son who is in the writing dept in Brooklyn and feels his JW career has always been far too important to forgo to care for his mother. So who else would look after her. Very convenient for them not to df us right now. We don't intend to da and play their game.
So here I am, not df'd, not da'd, still talking to the witnesses who pick up mother-in-law for Sunday meetings and my brother-in-law when he does his 5 minute duty phone call to his mother every 6 - 8 weeks. But from my family - Nothing. I am dead to them.
HopScotch..I`ve endured the name calling too..Devil`s Diciple,Son of Satan..ect..ect.. My mom was the worst.....If I`m the Son of Satan..Would`nt that make my mom,Satan`s Whore?...........................LOL!!...OUTLAW
Basically, my Watch Tower Witness relatives fractionally shunned me and my family. The Watch Tower Witness relatives would come to my place once a year or so when invited but would not initiate contact with me or invite me to their family dinners or anything else.
In the 90's I called my dad after he hadn't made contact with me for over a year (even though he only lived 5 miles away). I asked him why he hadn't contacted me. He said: "I didn't have any reason to.". -
Homerovah the Almighty
OK for me, of course I never made a fuss about it one way or the other, I just started to a show a lack of interest in it.
Its when you start a big opposing viewpoint to the whole thing then you you'll get the wall of religious fervor placed upon you.