The Fundamentals of God, Liberal Sensitivities and the Judgment of Sin

by Perry 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    Take a deep breath Jeff....breathhh, breathhh. That's good...color is returning.

  • BurnTheShips

    Perry, I respect your views, but your dodging around isn't very helpful to your argument. I basically quit this thread because of it.

    If you said, "I believe it because I believe it", it would be more honest. But when you say, "I believe it because it is the only right and reasonable interpretation and all others are wrong" yet fail to openly respond to challenges to your interpretation, it is not intellectually honest.


  • mindmelda

    I never viewed the Witnesses as fundamentalists, because in part, that entails seeking literal political expression for one's religious beliefs.

    But, perhaps the only way they ARE liberal in doctrine is in that they believe "truth" is a gradual thing, and flexible.

    The only problem is, the exposure of doctrinal truth is carefully limited to the elite, the rank and file have no participation in this discovery, for that would be chaotic and they are proponents of order. Very strict order, which is quite strictly enforced, albeit through subtle means. In their function, they are quite authoritarian.

    I don't confuse authoritarianism with conservatism, they're quite separate ideas, although they often combine in certain religious and political entities. Liberalism isn't quite the opposite of conservatism, but it often used as it's opposite. One can be socially liberal, but fiscally conservative, or one can socially or morally conservative and yet, not fiscally conservative at all! I think the recent Bush administration was a good example of the latter, as many confused his moral conservatism with financial, which was by no means evident. He presided over the most financially extravagant government policies in recent political history!

    But, back to the topic of how authoritarian the WTS demonstrates itself to be.

    The WTS claims to have no priesthood, which makes it seem quite "grassroots", with no clergy class, which they claim to despise, but according to the definition of a priesthood, the GB functions quite well as one, as a priesthood is there to interpret and enforce the will of God for the masses, who are deemed incapable of understanding the complexity of theology and must have it predigested and dispensed to them in a form they, the "uninspired" can grasp. Spiritual pablum for the masses, raw meat for the elite!

    Not only do the "other sheep" function very well as a laity class, they do so without being aware that they are, but believe they are "ministers". Quite a trick!

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    you know this double-talk you speak of Perry?

    A short time thereafter when many in the general population again protested Moses' position, another fourteen thousand were consumed with a plague. They would all have died had not
    Moses through Aaron, as God's exclusive mediator, "stood between the dead and the living; and the plague was stayed". Please read Numbers Ch. 16. A careful reading will reveal that
    Korah, Dathan and Abiram were not so much opposed to Moses and Aaron as they were opposed to the exclusivity of Moses and Aaron:

    Which one was the exclusive mediator then? Moses or Aaron? It looks to me like you just shot yourself in the foot regarding the whole praying to Mary topic!

    Remember this too - Jesus was considered a liberal Jew.

    The Pharisees were liberal Jews at the time - it was the Sadducees who were 'fundamental'.

    This being the case, Jesus, being more liberal than the Pharisees could be considered way off the mark of fundamental belief! He may have led us all up the garden path! We can only have faith that what he says is true.

    My main point is that God's word is NOT confined to the written pages of a book - that is why the Jews still await their Messiah...

    No - God's word is alive and active and the Holy Spirit guides us into truth - via any route He chooses to take us! Nobody else has the right to condemn the path another Christian takes - because it is by God's will that we are where we are on the journey.

    The renewal of Peter's calling at the end of John's Gospel has had a significant impact on me over the last few months, this part in particular:

    Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on His breast at the supper, and said, “Lord, who is the one who betrays You?” Peter, seeing
    him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.”

    (John 21:20-22, NKJV)

    Do you understand?

  • BurnTheShips

    That was great, Sad Emo.


  • mindmelda

    Great scripture about riding herd over another person's beliefs.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Sad Emo said

    him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.”

    My views are fairly well known, but if more Christians acted like Jesus, stopped worrying about "everyone else", then it would make a difference to a lot of people, myself included.

    That is a good point Sad Emo. Thank you for sharing it. For the record, I find great value in the gospels, though I certainly do not worship Jesus. I think it a good idea to examine what is accredited to him, because they seem very wise to me.

  • Perry
    But, perhaps the only way they ARE liberal in doctrine is in that they believe "truth" is a gradual thing, and flexible.

    Mind Media,

    I agree with you here ....good point. I've posted this before. But I think this would be a good time to remind ourselves just how far off JW's are from basic Christianity. Some are a little stretch, I know. But, most are pretty thought provoking.

    JW Similarity with Atheism

    1. JW: Does Not Worship Jesus

    Atheist: Does Not Worship Jesus

    Christian: Worships Jesus

    2. JW: Does Not Pray to Jesus

    Atheist: Does Not Pray to Jesus

    Christian: Prays to Jesus

    3. JW: Rejects Jesus offer at the Memorial

    Atheist: Rejects Jesus offer

    Christian: Accepts Jesus offer

    4. JW: Doesn’t accept literal creation account

    Atheist: Doesn’t accept literal creation account

    Christian: Many accept literal creation account

    5. JW: Gets knowledge of “good and bad” from human authority - WT

    Atheist: Gets knowledge of “good and bad” from human authority – social conditioning

    Christian: Gets knowledge of good and bad from God - Indwelling Holy Spirit

    6. JW: New Testament wasn’t written for the average JW

    Atheist: New Testament wasn’t written for them

    Christian: New Testament was written for “whosoever”

    7. JW: Hates their enemies

    Atheist: Hates their enemies

    Christian: Can Supernaturally Love their enemies

    8. JW: Doesn’t need a personal Savior (growing into perfection)

    Atheist: Doesn’t need a personal Savior (sin doesn’t exist, only “mistakes”)

    Christian: Needs a personal Savior (God’s justice demands punishment of ALL sin)

    9. JW: Individual sin is not punished

    Atheist: Individual sin is not punished

    Christian: YOUR sin is punished either on the Cross or in Hell and eventually the lake of fire. - your choice

    10. JW: Jesus was a man

    Atheist: Jesus was a man

    Christian: Jesus was fully God and fully man

    11. JW: Death is the end of our consciousness

    Atheist: Death is the end of our consciousness

    Christian: Spirit survives death and “returns”

    12. JW: Human Government is not from God

    Atheist: Human Government is not from God

    Christian: Human Government ordained by God until the Lord’s return

    13. JW: Rights come from GB (JW government)

    Atheist: Rights come from secular government

    Christian: Certain rights are inherent to our species, which is in God’s image.

    14. JW: Must protect their rights

    Atheist: Must protect their rights

    Christian: Must surrender their rights to Jesus

    15. JW: Compares themselves to others

    Atheist: Compares themselves to others

    Christian: Compares themselves to Jesus

    16. JW: Causing medical death OK (blood policy)

    Atheist: Causing medical death OK (abortion)

    Christian: Causing medical death is murder

    17. JW: Men choose God

    Atheist: Men choose God

    Christian: God chooses men

    18. JW: Eternal Life comes from knowledge – spin on John 17:3

    Atheist: Quality Life comes from knowledge

    Christian: Both eternal and quality Life come from Jesus

    19. JW: Gifts of the Spirit don’t exist now

    Atheist: Gifts of the Spirit don’t exist

    Christian: Gifts of the Spirit exist

    20. JW: Born again Christians are despised

    Atheist: Born again Christians are despised

    Christian: Born again Christians are cherished

    21. JW: God doesn’t speak to individuals

    Atheist: God doesn’t speak to individuals

    Christian: God speaks to individuals

    22. JW: God is personally far away

    Atheist: God is even farther

    Christian: God is near - omnipresent

    23. JW: Holy Spirit does not inhabit people

    Atheist: Holy Spirit does not inhabit people

    Christian: Holy Spirit inhabits His “temple” - hearts of believers

    24. JW: Has reason to fear death

    Atheist: Has reason to fear death

    Christian: No reason to fear death

    25. JW: Death guaranteed

    Atheist: Death guaranteed

    Christian: Death conquered - Already “passed over from death to LIFE ”

    26. JW: Morality is what the WT (the group) says it is

    Atheist: Morality is what society (the group) says it is

    Christian: Morality is what God says it is

    27. JW: Are not Christ’s brothers

    Atheist: Are not Christ’s brothers

    Christian: Christ’s brothers

    28 JW: Disobeys command to eat “flesh” & drink Christ’s “blood”

    Atheist: Disobeys command to eat “flesh” & drink Christ’s “blood”

    Christian: Obedient to command to eat “flesh” & drink Christ’s “blood”

    30. JW: People are basically good

    Atheist: People are basically good

    Christian: People are basically bad – they have a sin nature and need a Savior to avoid judgment

    31. JW: Military viewed negatively

    Atheist: Many seem to view military negatively

    Christian: Military viewed as a positive for countries and ordained by God

    32. JW: Creating a utopia –spiritual paradise

    Atheist: Creating a utopia – social paradise

    Christian: Neither live in, nor can achieve a utopia apart from Christ

    33. JW: Truth is revealed apart from God (GB)

    Atheist: Truth is revealed apart from God (science)

    Christian: Truth is revealed by God

    34. JW: Individual revelation does not happen

    Atheist: Individual revelation does not happen

    Christian: Revelation happens

    36. JW: Human Government not ordained by God

    Atheist: Human Government not ordained by God

    Christian: Human Government ordained by God

    37. JW: Identity based on works

    Atheist: Identity based on works

    Christian: Identity based on Divine Heredity when born again

    38. JW: Are not sons of God

    Atheist: Are not sons of God

    Christian: Are the Sons of God

    39. JW: Death is the end of accountability

    Atheist: Death is the end of accountability

    Christian: Death is the beginning of YOUR accountability

    40. JW: God is not in control of this world - the devil is

    Atheist: God is not in control of this world – socio-political conditioners are

    Christian: God is in total control

    41. JW: Jesus cannot know the beginning and the end of things

    Atheist: Jesus cannot know the beginning and the end of things

    Christian: Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega knowing the beginning and the end.

    42. JW: Jesus is not Lord

    Atheist: Jesus is not Lord

    Christian: Jesus is Lord

    43. JW: The elect basically do not exist (most all have died)

    Atheist: The elect do not exist

    Christian: The elect are everywhere, at every level of society

    44. JW: Are suspicious of Christians

    Atheist: Are suspicious of Christians

    Christian: Are comfortable with Christians

    45. JW: Blames religion for war

    Atheist: Blames religion for war

    Christian: Blames sin for war

    46. JW: God is not the proper source of education – WT is

    Atheist: God is not the proper source of education – State is

    Christian: God is the proper Source of all education

    47. JW: Earth is Home

    Atheist: Earth is Home

    Christian: Wherever is Jesus, … is Home

    48. JW: Holy Spirit doesn’t exist as a person

    Atheist: Holy Spirit doesn’t exist

    Christian: The Personality of the Holy Spirit indwells the believer

    49. JW: Have not yet made peace with God through Christ

    Atheist: Have not yet made peace with God through Christ

    Christian: Are no longer enemies of God, made peace through Christ crucified

    50. JW: We are not evil; Evil is outside of a person and impacts him

    Atheist: We are not evil; If there is evil at all, it is outside him and inhibits man's good

    Christian: We are evil by nature exacerbated by outside influences

    51. JW: Has declared himself righteous - by association

    Atheist: Has declared himself righteous – by autonomy

    Christian: Has declared himself GUILTY

    52. JW: Do not like being compared with atheists

    Atheist: Do not like being compared with JW’s

    Christian: Apart from Christ, it doesn’t really matter who you’re compared with

    53. JW’s: Truth changes

    Atheist: Truth changes

    Christian: Truth is immutable

    54. JW’s: Laws are external to human nature

    Atheist: Laws are external to human nature

    Christian: Laws are inherent to the new nature, written on the heart

    55. JW’s: Some personal value derived from position in Society

    Atheist: Some personal value derived from position in society

    Christian: Personal value equal to God’s Son irregardless of social position

    56. JW’s: Life’s meaning provided by leaders of WT Society

    Atheist: Life’s meaning provided by self and leaders of society

    Christian: Life’s meaning provided by God

    57. JW’s: Slave to sin

    Atheist: Slave to Sin

    Christian: No longer slave to sin

    58. JW’s: Seeks to save himself

    Atheist: Seeks to save himself

    Christian: Seeks to lose himself

    59. JW’s: Getting enough is never enough

    Atheist: Getting enough is never enough

    Christian: Christ is always enough

    60. JW’s: Seeks happiness

    Atheist: Seeks happiness

    Christian: Experiences joy and peace as supernatural gifts

    61. JW’s: Expecting all others to die at Armageddon

    Atheists: Expecting all to die by natural causes

    Christian: Expecting others to live by means of Christ

    62. JW’s: Takes credit for his good things

    Atheist: Takes credit for his good things

    Christian: Gives God credit for his good things

    63. JW’s: Thinks there is no Judgment Day

    Atheist: Thinks there is no Judgment Day

    Christian: “it is appointed unto men once to die, then judgment

    - Hebrews 9: 27

    FACT :

    The vast majority of former Jehovah's Witnesses are agnostic or atheist

    • Now you know why.

    • They had very little real change to make.

    • They just switched “religions” and creeds


    • The universe cannot be proven to be self-existing

    • Atheism must be taught; it is not innate as belief in God is.

    • It requires faith and is a religion.

    • Life and moral truth are ultimately meaningless if we are alone in the universe.

    • “The heavens themselves declare the glory of God”

    • “Therefore, they are without excuse.”

  • Perry

    Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. Galatians 3: 19

    Which one was the exclusive mediator then? Moses or Aaron? It looks to me like you just shot yourself in the foot regarding the whole praying to Mary topic!

    Sad Emo,

    There was only one mediator for the first contract (See above) and there is only one Mediator for the second contract (See Below).

    For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus

    - 1 Tim. 2: 5

    That is basis of my argument. Whatever Aaron did/was, it is irrelevant to the discussion of exclusivity because he was not the mediator of the old Law covenant and was not the focus of others wanting to share in Moses' position.

    This is fundamental Christianity. Everyone is free to choose whether or not they believe it to be accurate.

  • Perry
    My views are fairly well known, but if more Christians acted like Jesus, stopped worrying about "everyone else", then it would make a difference to a lot of people, myself included.


    Jesus spoke a lot about Judgment and hell as being absolutely real. He preached about perfect love too. But, even that condemns us becasue although we can imagine it, on our own we cannot love like that.

    It is impossible to talk about ALL of the things Jesus talked about without making some folks angry. Jesus message is an absolute indictment on the nature of man. The 'old man" is absolutely opposed to anything whatsoever to do with God, judgment, punishment etc. Jesus' complete message is enough to send people into raging episodes of temporary insanity.... precisely because it is the old man struggling for his very existence...being on a collision course with God, one way or another. When a person is threatened, he will do pretty much anything.

    Matthew 25:41 (Jesus speaking to people at final judgment), ...Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.

    Revelation 14:11, And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night...

    Revelation 20:12, 15, And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life...And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

    Matthew 10:28, And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

    Luke 12:5, But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which AFTER he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

    Matthew 18:8, 9 Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast them from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or feet to be cast into everlasting fire. And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

    Matthew 25:46, And these shall go away into EVERLASTING punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

    II Thessalonians 1:9 Who shall be punished with EVERLASTING destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.

    Isaiah 66:24, And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be abhorring unto all flesh.

    Mark 9:44 (speaking of hell), Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

    Jude 7, Sodom and Gomorrha...are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

    Matthew 22:13, ...Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    Matthew 13:41-42, The Son of man (Jesus) shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    Revelation 21:8, But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

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