Yikes and double yikes. Now we've added the notion of "free will" to the mix. I deny that anyone has "free will" depending on how it is defined. I also assert that it is logically impossible for a being to exist which has omniscience, omnipotence and "free will."
The Case for God
by UnDisfellowshipped 125 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The human race needs to take responsibilty for its own contribution to suffering and stop passing the buck to God.
So you're saying all tragedy and horrible things that happen are due to man? What about natural disasters?
Hey, Doc, it could be those three super models don't crave you.
He would get the three supermodels only if it is in harmony with Gods' will!!!!
Haha, good one. :) I love that answer. It shows that both answered and unanswered prayers prove without a shadow of a doubt that God exists!
Almost all suffering we see on earth today is a result of choices people make. And we don't know if the natural disasters and famines we see aren't a result of choices of intelligent beings including human beings.
I don't think it's necessary for anyone to believe in God. I don't think it's necessary to prove there's a God.
"This is not strictly correct, everything did not begin at the big bang, the theory is that there was already a point mass that exploded at the big bang."
Why can't that point mass be God, maybe just a little bigger? lol. It's really faith no matter which side you're on. I'm assuming that point mass is eternal, and what exactly is it...man seen has it with his eyes, no?
"Why doesn't god just come out and proclaim his existence? Why do we need a case for it"?
What about if he already has and you're looking at the data from the wrong angle? I'm not saying you in paticular, but there are those, even if a divine being came down in "chariots of fire", they would say "how do we know this is not just a "Copperfield" magic trick..."? Or"how do we know this is God but just another creature from another world or how do we prove he created everything?"
As the saying goes "an atheist can't find God for the same reason a criminal can't find a cop". I was not inclined to find God-since I spent so much time refuting him-for 18 years and guess what...I didn't.
And we don't know if the natural disasters and famines we see aren't a result of choices of intelligent beings including human beings.
Sure we do. Earthquakes are a result of tectonic activity. No way man can affect that. Tsunamis can be a result of earthquakes. No way man can affect that. Tornados and hurricanes are not caused by man. Large meteroids or asteroids striking the surface of the Earth are not caused by man.
I tend to think that the "argument from need" is not completely without merit: if it doesn't prove the existence of any "god" (let alone one "God") out there, it does prove that fiction is an integral part of what we are. And if it is not what theists are looking for it is still an important find.
Why can't that point mass be God, maybe just a little bigger?
Ridiculous. What evidence is there that the singularity has intelligence or any of the other qualities Christians ascribe to their God?
I'm not saying you in paticular, but there are those, even if a divine being came down in "chariots of fire", they would say "how do we know this is not just a "Copperfield" magic trick..."? "Or how do we know this is God but just another creature from another world or how do we prove he created everything?"
That's what any skeptic would do. You wouldn't question such an action at all? You would immediately conclude that it must be the Judeo-Christian God? Personally I would question it and want to explore all possibilities.
If God exists, I'm sure he could figure out a way to show objective, incontrovertible evidence of his existence. Of course, that would negate the reason for faith. Pretty crafty of those bible writers to say we must have faith (ie, not hard evidence), huh? :)
Cancer and disease are age old. They attack children. Humans did not do that.