I start with this:
A man who refuses to think is a fool,
A man who can't think is a idiot,
A man who is afraid to think is a coward.....
Mulan says:
"It has been suggested, by a man we know, that those who read Crisis of Conscience, are left with a feeling of despair and are "cast adrift" after reading it."
He is 100% coorrect- because what this book does is reveal to a jw that all the years you have lived in "Disney Land" and had friends like Goofy and Mickey it was all a Joke
so it is to be expected that now one would be depressed or let down as it was- Regardless of what anyone says i firmly believe that the Wt offers perhaps one of the best programs around in Print
nice homes, good health, plenty food, no sickness - wonderful and kind frineds, etc all these things are what each one of us looked forward to .
and then to read a book like Rays' and find out it was all a Joke then of course folks are left outcast as it were and Pisssed
so with that portion of the comment i fully agree
I have not found many who were not anger mad hurt or pissed after reading rays book and finding out they had been bamboozled and hoodwinked
Mulan continues with:
"It is his opinion that the book shouldn't have been written, because it does harm to people."
###### I have to disagree with him on this point to a certain extent
perhaps for someone who is sick and old about to die- then it could be a toss up late the old dude die in peace
but for a younger person who has 10-20-30-50 years ahead of them - they need to know - reason being they have time to get out and start a life - kids college, start a biz, etc
I have found very few csaes where the not knowing the truth is better
than finding out that you are literally WASTING YOUR LIFE SELLING USELESS BOOKS
To have a hope that is built on sand TELL ME - most people perfer to call a spade a spade,
but there are those who would perfer to be in the dark we have all kinds of folks
but in my exp most folks perfer to know that if they have only 3 days vacation they don't want to spend 2 of the days driving in the wrong direction
i see it the same with wt- we only have some many years to live and enjoy why would i want to spend 69years pioneering - no kids, no money , no education- all my dreams of being a dancer, writer, painter, etc put on hold for a new system that will never show up
most folks perfer to know and this way what little time they do have left to live be it 10 -20 yrs they can at least spend it enjoying life as to wasting every single sat am selling useless books
just my thought
i end with this:
A man who refuses to think is a fool,
A man who can't think is a idiot,
A man who is afraid to think is a coward.....