I've read CoC, and while I was quite surprised at what I read, I did not feel any deep despair. Maybe it has something to do with the fact I'm only 19 and therefore I still have my entire life ahead of me (if I had found this out at 50 something, with presumably most of my life gone, I'd be so pissed!). However, I think the main reason I took it in stride is because I wasn't concerned with what the book would do to my belief system, but whether it was telling the truth or not. Ray's book is so copiusly documented, its veracity can only be denied by the most brain dead JW. The problem with most JW's is that, despite the fact they bellow about wanting to spread "the truth" and being representatives of "the truth", they really don't want to hear the truth, especially when it contradicts what they hold dear. CoC obviously kills alot of things sacred to JW's, so if they are in a typical JW mindset when reading the book, indeed it will upset them immensly. However, since most people who read the book have to some extent disassociated themselves (pun intended ) from the JW minset, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. It will usually move the person from feeling : "The JW's are good but misguided" to "the JW leaders are real a**holes, and the regular witnesses too dim witted to see it". However, since I think every Witness has the right to know "the truth about the truth", I would recommend it to any Witness at any stage of "spirituality" or age group (except maybe someone whose death is close).
SmokeEater said:
In all honesty it seemed that if Ray Franz had his way, he'd still be in the Org. That bothered me.I had the same feeling too. Seems like if the Watchtower had simply let Ray Franz be, he would have remained a Witness and all the information he had would probably have stayed with him. They probably made a mistake by dissfellowshipping him, or maybe he would have eventually come to his senses. Others with much less knowledge had, so I suspect he might have left eventually anyway.
Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!