Did Crisis of Conscience damage you?

by Mulan 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman


    This is a good question. I think the posts are in part reflecting the varied experiences of people here.

    If you come cold to COC and have been someone who truly believed the GB were who they said they were, raised your kids believing that and on top of it know that really for you every other religion will not work, then yes, I would have to say that damage occurs, hopefully temporary damage.

    I have known some that for them is was like having their legs cut off.

    Now, I am not saying that reading the book is a bad idea, I'm just saying that we are all so different.

    There are some good things about the Tower, association for one.
    As has been mentioned, Ray Franz himself stayed until he was put out, and this even with his own expelling from Brooklyn and knowledge of the inner workings of the GB! How much harder might it be for some who did not have this knowledge accumulated over some 9 years experience with the GB, but who get this all in one shot!

    It is a shock, a loss, a death for some.

    I am happy to see that on the Commemtary Press site there are now essays discussing various spiritual topics, this is so good! It gives some who are leaving or left, a place to go for spiritual nourishment and comfort.


  • ofcmad

    I had it. To be honest I gave it to my brother. When I started reading it, it was about corruption that I had already learned about from websites.


    "Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/ Dogma
  • Scully

    Feelings of loss and despair and of being "cast adrift" were more the result of the conflict going on in my conscience. What I was reading in the publications about how "true Christians" were supposed to behave with each other and the things I was seeing with my own eyes from people who called themselves my "brothers" and "sisters" were in stark contrast, and left me filled with doubts about the organization.

    My first step was to write down a list of what I was seeing, and I kept a journal for well over a year. At the same time, I was referencing scriptures to either support or discredit my perceptions. I was actually surprised that the scriptures supported my viewpoint rather than discredited it.

    I was also auditing a university course in Social Psychology and the professor presented some fascinating work on the topic of Cognitive Dissonance. I finally had a "label" for what I was feeling. The more I looked into SocPsy, the more information I learned about Control Techniques, and could pick them out of WT literature. It was like being the little kid in the story...... I was seeing the Emperor without any clothes on, and I wasn't going to pretend anymore.

    I found that reading CofC was a confirmation of everything that I had already suspected about the WTS, and much much more than I ever expected to learn. Yes it made me angry to learn that black JWs in Malawi were sacrificed for the "cult", while Mexican JWs were given permission to "compromise" in order to further the 'preaching work'.

    The question my JW friends and family would ask "But where else are you going to go?" and I would answer "I don't need to go anywhere. I don't need all the answers written down for me in black and white. I don't need the reward of living in a paradise with JWs to encourage me to be a good person. I have the capacity of free-will, and I'm going to live my life, instead of 'waiting on Jehovah' while time slips away."

    I'm grateful for the information that Ray Franz shared with the world about the WTS. It confirmed for me what I already knew in my heart.

    I think each and every person who leaves the WTS goes through a kind of grieving process. It's basically the realization that you've been hoodwinked and recruited into the world's largest unpaid sales force of pseudo-religious literature, and that there is no Armageddon around the corner, no Paradise on earth for 1000 years, no resurrection of Grandma and Grandpa or other loved ones to the Paradise. It's the unravelling of your world view like a kite that's taken off in the wind. But for me, reading CofC allowed me to see that having doubts and questioning authority were not evil, and that I was certainly not the first, nor would I be the last to do so. The fact that we are all here is a testament to that as well.

    Love, Scully

    It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63

  • SEAKEN2001

    "It has been suggested, by a man we know, that those who read Crisis of Conscience, are left with a feeling of despair and are "cast adrift" after reading it. It is his opinion that the book shouldn't have been written, because it does harm to people. "


    He is entitled to his opinion. But maybe it will change with time. It doesn't follow that because people would be hurt that the book should not be written. Notice, I said hurt, not "harm". I don't think it is harmful for people to be hurt. What is harmful is how people react to being hurt. I was hurt. Completely unstrung, for a short while, after learning the things contained in CofC. But I was better for it. Perhaps your friend has not yet accepted the reality of life that many of have accepted, that life hurts. But it can also be so wonderful. It was refreshing to know that there are endless unknowns and that no Society is used by God to direct things. Freedom of thought and expression. That is very liberating for some people. Others do not like it when they have to choose for themselves what is right or wrong. Maybe after he gets used to it he will change his mind.


  • The Dredger
  • sweetone2377

    I myself have just recently begun to read CoC. In honesty, I'm not quite halfway through the book as of yet. But, it has helped me in so many ways. I have been out of the org. for over 2 years now and I had been left with the feeling that, if that was how God wanted his people to serve him, that he was not a God of love. I felt that I did not want to know God, or perhaps there wasn't even a God. Now, only 120 pages into the book, I'm starting to feel that it's ok to believe in God, to read His Word (as His own and not an org's), and that's it ok to serve Him. I admit, I still have a lot to work through due to personal issues with certain elders in my past congregation. But, it has strengthened my resolve to stay out of the borg and to think for myself. It is returning my freedom to me, freedom that the WTS had striped me of.

    Former victim and recovering wonderfully from a broken spirit
    Smile, because we all have been freed from slavery!!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I have read both of Ray's books and can only say they set me free as in "The truth will set you free".

    I liked that he did not try to teel me what to do. Had enough of that while I was in. I admit it took me 10 years to get the book and start reading but I had already been reading other things about the Borg. Ray's books were the final nail in the coffin so to speak.

    Freedom from the Borg is what I got from the book.

    My depression and feelings of loss occurred while I was in and shortly after they DFed me

    No wI have my life back

    Thank you Ray Franz

  • JBean

    Hi! Great thread! I am about 1/2 way through CoC and absolutely LOVE it. I haven't been to a "regularly scheduled meeting" for about a year now... but all family is "in" and constantly encouraging me to get regular. (I'm not too lonely as I have a large circle of non-JW friends whom I adore!) ANyhow... I so want to share this book with my mom and dad, who were "in" since their childhood in the 40's & 50's... so they have (at least my dad, who was an elder almost his entire life!) read some of the older publications like the Finished Mystery, etc. I cannot understand why these two intelligent individuals haven't caught on yet about the "truth" of the Troof!!!! After getting through just a bit of Ray's book, I want to have my folks read it... but they are up in years and I can tell by the look on their faces (and the slightly panicked look about the eyes) when I voice my disagreements with the "society" lately, that they just MAY be afraid to face the facts at this late stage in the game. It is just sooooo very sad. My parents both could've had wonderful careers if it weren't for the society telling them that the "end" was due any moment!!!! They are still having to work.. yup, you guessed it... cleaning jobs!!! In fact, my mom remembers thinking that I wouldn't even make grade school... um...not only have I graduated but I'm now 40! So sad. They passed a comment the other day relating to "will we be "ready" when the end comes...are they doing enough!!!?? I said absolutely not... if it comes no one will be actually ready and that I felt that they were missing the point of the entire thing. That no one really knows what God has in store and how he'll read hearts. I told them that I think they are going to get a big surprise. They were not very happy with my thoughts. : ) But I digress... I think Ray was one of the most honest and couragest of men back then in Brooklyn. I would love to thank him in person... it's slow going, but his book is helping. Does anyone know if he ever visits these boards? Jbean

  • Joyzabel

    JBean, no he doesn't visit these boards, but he loves to hear from people. E-mail him at his web site.

  • JBean

    Thank you Joy2! I just may do that! : )

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