Elder says that there're apostates who are organized in Spain

by cattails 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sspo

    I hope they get the money back but i would not hold my breath.

    Once the money is given to a charitable organization, it's gone for good.

    The watchtower has 140 years of experience with donation money.

  • Gayle

    At least any publicity would be important, how bottom line that Spain's JW money, congregation/branch property is ownership of the WTS, New York, U.S.A. which holds multi-million dollar properties worldwide.

  • StAnn

    From what little I've read here on JWD about the situation in Spain, the courts ordered the WTS to pay benefits to lifers at their branch, correct? And so the WTS decided to pack up their toys and leave the country, correct? I know absolutely nothing about Spanish law but maybe these people who won this court case re: benefits has some way of attaching the WTS assets being sold so that the proceeds pay the benefits the court awarded. I know I'd try for that, if I saw that the WTS was getting ready to leave the country after I'd just gone to the expense of a big legal case and won.

    The WTS is obviously trying to avoid paying what the court has said it owes. Perhaps Spain can actually do something about this.

    St. Ann

  • StAnn

    BTW, why is it the elder said "apostates" who are doing this in Spain? People who feel they have a legal monetary claim against the WTS are automatically apostate? I thought "apostate" was disagreeing with their doctrines, such as they are? These could be good Dubs who still are true believers.

    St. Ann

  • minimus

    "Apostates" will always be blamed when Watchtower gets caught.

  • Lost-In-Translation

    I posted the following regarding the situation in Spain:


    I guess they consider the below website "apostate" since the organizers of it want to try to stop the sale of the equipment purchased by the Spanish Witnesses from being sent to Germany.


    The Governing Body is not accustomed to this sort of organized protest to their decisions. As one of the posters mentioned - the Governing Body decided years ago that the Spanish Witnesses need to use their own funds to construct their Bethel Branch and Printing facility:


    For more than 30 years the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., had gladly financed the preaching work in Spain without any repayment. But because of heavy expenditures, due to expansion at the Brooklyn headquarters at that time, it was impossible for the Society to finance new Bethel facilities in Spain. If Spain was to have a new branch complex, the Spanish Witnesses would have to finance it themselves. This was a new challenge of much greater proportions than anything previously faced in the Spanish field. In fact, it seemed impossible that the Spanish brothers, with their relatively low wages, could donate sufficient funds to cover the cost of this enterprise.

    But you may recall what was done when the Israelites of Moses’ day were privileged to build a tabernacle for Jehovah’s worship. Moses had said to the Israelites: “From among yourselves take up a contribution for Jehovah. Let every willing-hearted one bring it as Jehovah’s contribution.” They voluntarily gave gold, silver, precious stones and other items. (Exodus 35:5-9) Similarly, the issue was squarely put to the 751 congregations in Spain. The need was clearly explained at the 1980 district conventions all over the country. What was the response?

    At the close of the conventions, people were lining up to contribute their jewels, gold and silver rings and bracelets, so that these could be turned into cash to finance the new project. At the convention in San Sebastián in the Basque country, an elderly sister handed over a heavy gold bracelet. When asked if she was sure that she wanted to donate such a valuable item, she answered: “Brother, it is going to do far more good paying for a new Bethel than it will on my wrist!”

    A young couple contributed money they had planned to use for their honeymoon travel. An older sister brought in a pile of damp and musty banknotes that she had stashed away under the floor of her home over the years.

    As the weeks passed by, men and women, young and old, rich and poor, contributed with a willing heart so that Spain could have the needed new Bethel facilities. Even special pioneers, who receive only a limited monthly allowance, made contributions. For example, one couple sacrificed a trip to the United States and donated their ticket money. Children also sent their contributions to the branch office. One ten-year-old stated: “I am the firstborn of five children, and we have heard the suggestion about sending money for the new Bethel. We would like to contribute what we have saved in our money box. Although it is a small amount, we believe it will serve to buy something.”

    Young people also organized themselves in different ways in order to earn money they could send to the Society. Some made little dolls and sold them. One collected sawdust from carpentry shops and then sold it. One youngster who was saving to buy a guitar donated the money for the Bethel project.

    After such a huge effort in money and construction - and now the Governing Body decides to send the equipment purchased by Spanish Witnesses to another country. What is making everyone angry are the reasonswhy they are doing this. As the other posting states - the Spanish Judiciary ruled that the Watchtower Society owes bethalites a pension for having volunteered their lives at Bethel. So as to bypass this sticky situation the Watchtower Society decided to stop all printing and ask most of those serving at the Spanish Bethel branch to leave.

    Of course this is not discussed at all in the congregations worldwide. Most Witnesses have no clue what is happening in Spain. If someone were to ask the official line is: "We are simply consolidating our printing to better manage the work worldwide." The real reasons are never ever discussed.

  • sir82
    the Spanish Judiciary ruled that the Watchtower Society owes bethalites a pension for having volunteered their lives at Bethel.

    Do you have a link to anything which verifies this? Or a scanned document?

    Even something in Spanish is fine - there are plenty of people here swho could translate it.

  • out4good3

    Is there a press release for this in English, or is this just insider info. If there was a news article detailing this I'd love to send it out to some witnesses I know.

  • Lost-In-Translation
  • HalfWayThere

    The apostates in Spain stay mainly in the plain.

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