My Wife is Home!!!!

by Yizuman 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Well, finally the chair arrived.

    Funny that, my wife leaves in the transportation van on her way to the renal center and *ding dong!*

    *looks at clock*


    So in comes the chair and it looks cool. 6 wheels instead of 4. The bed had to be readjusted to make sure it lines up to the level of the seat.

    She'll be trying it out tomorrow when we head out to see the doctors.

    Baby is relaxing in bed.

    All is well, so far.


  • Yizuman

    Well, we saw the colon doctor and he's setting up a surgery date for next week Thursday. The doctor says she isn't like in a immediate life threatening situation, but nonetheless the hole needs to be closed.

    Problem is, her colon needs to be cleaned out via medicine. She has to do that on a Wednesday, which is her Dialysis day. So we're gonna talk to her diabetic doctor and see if she can check in as a in-patient so they can dialysis her and have her colon cleaned out at the same time. No way she's gonna sit at the renal center and fill up her diaper.

    Got a script to take to the Care Center which has all sorts of medical equiptment to get that lift she needs (and I need too) to help lift her off the bed and into the chair without straining too much muscles. Well, at least not too much on my part. The only muscle being used is my arms since it's a crank kind of lift.

    We have a new family doctor now and he's cool with my wife. We'll be seeing him again in 2 months.

    She's getting bed sores on that new bed, so I'm gonna call the wound care specialist in the morning.

    As for the bed vibrator situation, still working on it.

    Step daughter is here, cleaning out more of her stuff out of the house and yakkin' with mom. She's waiting for her BF to get off work so she can then load up his car and then leave.

    Pretty much all I know for now.

    Post ya latahs!


  • Yizuman

    I called the wound car specialist and he told me that when the nurse came in this morning, is to look at her wounds to find out what stage she is in.

    Nurse comes in and then reports to the specialist. She's at stage 1 atm. So the specialist thinks that she won't get any better with the type of bed she is on so she may qualify to get a air bed instead. That may take a while to process that order to get it in. The nurse will keep an eye on it whenever she comes to visit and address the situation.

    Waiting on Meals on Wheels to bring the food so I can bring my wife her sack lunch, her meds and sugar check. After that, I will head off a block away to see the home care equiptment place to turn in the script for that lift and see how soon I can get it.

    Then head back home to wait on my baby to come home.

    Tomorrow, a occupational therapist will be coming by to work on her some.

    Pretty much it for now.



  • truthlover

    YM- re the air matress bed - if you cannot get one of those, you can go on ebay and goto the med section - they sell air mattress overlays which could be used in the same way, also if she is using a wheelchair a lot, you can get a ROJO cushion - it is essentially a air seat that does not allow for skin breakdown - which she may need anyway after the operation..

    I was unable to get a air matress overlay so I purchased dense foam about 2 inches thick and that seemed to work for the interim.

    Skin integrity is of the utmost importance and it doesnt take long for bedsores to develop. Zinc ointment is a great healer for skin breakouts...

    Just a few thoughts to help if I can

  • Yizuman

    I see a ROJO and a ROHO. So what's the difference between those two?

    Got any links?

    Working on Googling now.


  • Yizuman

    I found a ROHO dealer near my town and left a message, prolly won't hear from them until Monday considering it's the weekend.

    Hope a Sales Rep will come by and let us take a look at their seating products.

    Thanks for the heads up on that idea.


  • truthlover

    ROHO or ROJO I think is the same thing - its pronouces spanish ---also -- perhaps the American red Cross may get you what you need with a donation -- then u can keep the equipment until no longer required or new stuff is needed.


  • Yizuman

    Thank goodness, it wasn't anything serious.

    We saw the colon doctor and he gave her a all clear as it wasn't as bad as I had initionally thought it was.

    So she's ok and apparently she's getting a "backsplash" so to speak. So I just have to clean it immediately as soon as she's done her business.

    The sore in the middle wasn't an ulcer, but a bedsore, so he told me to keep putting diaper cream in the area and use pillows to "side" her so each side can get some air in there as I rotate her every 4 hrs. That should help heal her up nicely.

    Anyway, we're still looking into trying to get her a airbed.

    As for the ROHO seat, if she doesn't have a stage 3 bedsore, the medicaid won't pay for it unless it is. Stupid rules.

    So we're home now and she's fast asleep as she's been up all night cleaning out her colon with some laxitives. She's still doing some today. I gave her some anti-diarea medicine and hope she doesn't do anymore for the rest of the night as I too need my rest.

    She's supposed to go back and see the colon doctor in two weeks.

    Wow, what a 2 weeks it's been. I feel all wore out.



  • Yizuman

    Well, we finally got a Hoyer Lift for my wife. It just arrived today. It's all manual, cranks and all. We haven't tried it yet, so I just hope it works out ok. This'll beat putting my back on a wringer trying to help her get in the chair and back to bed later in the day.

    Oh, here's a pic of us

    That teddy bear I got for her during our honeymoon.

  • crapola

    You are dear man and she is lucky to have you.

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