MEGAFLOWER- Thanks. You are right- my daughter was kind in the letter, just mind controlled. So like you said I should research Hassan's books a little deeper and my wife and I think carefully on his information before responding to her in a letter. I will keep you and others posted.
ALAMB- Thanks, I appreciate it.
MOUTHY- I think that is brilliant advice you give ! I think my wife and I will definitely follow it. Keep it loving and nice, respectful and not too long. I too feel the less my wife and I complicate matters ; the better.
QUANDRY- Yes- She is a model witness you might say- and she knows how to communicate. I'm hoping Hassan's book will give my wife and I some ideas to use. So using his book,and like Mouthy said " keep it simple "- it may just work in re-establishing more contact. Yes- I could do without the shunning though.
MINIMUS- Thanks buddy. Yes- She is a sweet young lady. We will just try to love her the best we can and try to stay authentic without being too insulting of the cult- or going back to it at all. I couldn't stand going back - so I'll do what Mouthy said as well.
NO MORE KOOL AID- Thanks. I'm sorry you didn't find your dad in time. I'm glad you got your kids out so you won't have to deal with this when they are older. I will try to follow Hassan's advice and Mouthy's as well. I wish you could talk to my daughter since you experienced something similar