UK investigation report into JW procedures

by dozy 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • dozy

    It is an open secret amongst elders in the UK that the Charities Commission has been investigating JW procedures with regard to child protection , particularly following the “Porter case” (an elder who abused children in Millhill , the host congregation for the London Bethel.)

    Copies of the report are available below. It appears that the WTS may have to produce CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) checks for all elders , something that many brothers have requested for some time , though the WTS are dragging their feet (as usual) on this.

  • BluesBrother

    good catch , dozy...

    When you think about it, there is no reason why elders of the J W should not have a CRB check, the same as any other religion or school assistant volunteer.

    You would think that they would fall over themselves to comply with Caesar's laws..

    (I doubt if many JW problem elders have prior convictions though..

  • dozy

    I think we all know that the reason that the WTS has long resisted mandatory CRB checks (which only cost £15 each for volunteers) and producing a Child Protection Policy is that it would imply that there is a problem. I personally wrote to the branch a few years ago on this very issue and I know that others have done so as well. The WTS aren’t concerned about children – they are simply concerned about their image to the members and the outside world.

    The policy is due out in the summer (the CC have informally given the WTS one year to produce it) – no doubt any correspondence won’t contain any mention that the Charities Commission have forced the WTS into finally conforming with what most “worldly” charities already carry out as standard practice .

  • fokyc

    Many thanks 'dozy' for this information. Could I correct you?; Porter abused children in Somerset and then moved to the London Congs. when things started becoming known.

    What a damning report involving 4 congregations, I wonder why he moved from the West country to London!

    Will 'the policy' be made public? or just another letter to the elders, which they can hide away in the files!


  • dozy

    Thanks for the correction , fokyc. I very much doubt that the policy will be made public - just an elders letter , I would imagine.

  • cameo-d

    It's just a matter of time...first the elders will have to submit to backgound checks...which is good.

    Next it will be the rank and file.

    Then there will be a new class system of "Approved" members only.

    In the New System of a Theocratic government.... all agencies will be "christians serving Approved Christians Only."

    It certainly sounds like a wonderful Kingdom Arrangement, doesn't it?

    Eventually, this Kingdom Arrangement will usurp this "worldly" government of republic and democracy. That means it will control who will be eligible for any social services and work programs. What a wonderful way to establish a new economic system!

    Problem is, if you have 'left the org" or you are DA or Df'd, you may not be classified as an "Approved Member". Hmmmm.

  • palmtree67

    I hope this isn't off topic, but I noticed that Mr. Porter's offences occurred between 1986 and 2000.

    And he was appointed as an elder in 2001?

    Holy Spirit appointed a pedophile to serve the congregation?????

  • jamiebowers

    What scares me about background checks for elders is that these evil bastards will exert even more pressure on victims to keep quiet, so there are no records to be found.

  • core

    Took some time to read the Charity Commission Report and other posts on this. Does this mean that any of abuse or financial fraus cases involving an elder/min servant/officer who comes into contact with vulnerable members of the cong, needs now reporting to the Chrities Commission? If so I hope they take on extra staff.

    To have to report such matters to an outside body ( and one with very wide ranging powers) must have sent a shudder down the spines (???) of the elite in Mill Hill. I am writing to the CC to ask them if they would confirm if this is the case. Most of these instances in the past have been subject only to the closed secret process of the Judicial Committee, now the congs would seem to need to explain how the situation happened.

    Also - in this report the Charity Commission insist (not recommend) that Michael Porter NEVER be appointed as an elder/trustee - presumably this applies to all abusers - will any who have been allowed back after "serving time" out of the elder team, now have to stand down.

    WT Policy is that abusers CAN regain privileges after many years, this seems to clearly (and rightly) say NO - once an abuser they position of trust has gone forever.

    I am also asking the Charity Commission if they will clarify the position re notifying the congregations as to WHY a person is removed - "supervising" them as the WT has said is to happen to Michael Porter is a waste of time (HOW will it happen??) and when they move on, if no major press scandal, who in a new congregation would know of the dangers of allowing such a person to be in a position endangering anyone young or old.

    Congregations need specific warning about the likes of Porter just as much as they might be warned about the dangers of crossing the road - if only the elite are in knowledge of the dangers posed how can others be safeguarded - experience says thay cannot.

    If Porter was "repentant" then in WT speak he is clan and a fit and proper person - in my book he is a real and present danger and always will be

    Sadly he is not the only one of this sort in the WT.............

  • core

    sorry for misspelling etc in previous post - cant work out how to edit and correct


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