Elsewhere said:
"The same thing that has allowed chimps to develop moral codes amongst their groups: The instincts of social animals. Without such instincts of "good and evil" social animal groups could not exist."
So, then, you are really saying that it's all based on society's or social groups' standards of how to get along, correct?
So, then, you really have no objective basis for saying that an entire society or social group (the Nazis under Adolf Hitler, for example) were wrong or evil when they decided to commit genocide or murder or rape people, or to destroy the "weaker" races, or weaker countries?
And, about the animals:
What about the animals who kill their weaker offspring?
Let's say, if a human being were to kill their 6 month old baby daughter, because they believed that this was the "moral" thing to do, or even if their "social group" commanded it, or their society demanded it, would this act then be acceptable to you? If not, WHY NOT? They're just following their "social group"?
Or, what if YOUR country, determined that it was in the best interests of society or the social group, to rape all females, would this be right or wrong? Or, is there no objective right or wrong?