His wife's name is Melita. An abrasive woman not really liked. She ran the beauty shops, of course under the guidance of a Bethel Home Office overseer. Melita had been a beautician in her other life, pre-Teddy. One time I was in the Tower's beauty shop after hours with some other sisters. We were doing special stuff to our hair that the beauticians wouldn't do for us at our regular appointments. I was talking to a friend and mentioned something funny about the vulcanized eggs we had been served that morning at breakfast. Melita came from around a partition and scolded me for being critical of Jehovah's provisions. We all sat their in amazement at her anger. But she forgot about the incident and always treated me okay, especially after I was transferred to Writing. It was amazing how much respect one got when one was in Writing!
The Jaraczs seemed to really have a lot of affection for each other. One day after breakfast, he ran up the stairs on one side of the building to the 8th floor in Towers where their room was and Melita ran up the other side in a little race. When they got to the door of their room they were like kids, playfully laughing and kidding each other about who was in better shape. It was a fun thing to see. I only wish they could have shown that kind of affection for the Bethel family. The only time the entire family saw and heard him speak with emotion was when he was telling us about the fabulous first convention in Poland. He almost cried with emotion as he described the sight of thousands of believers who came from surrounding countries who then had freedom to worship for the first time. At the Jersey City Assembly Hall, he showed us slides of thousands of people sitting on concrete slabs at those outdoor conventions and once again his voice cracked with emotion. Many Bethelites remarked how unusual it was to see Jaracz showing that side of himself, that he even had emotions.
I think I told this once before, but I'll tell it again for the new ones here on the board. One day, Swingle read a telegram from a bunch of assembly overseers in Russia thanking the GB for holding conventions all over the former Soviet Union after it fell apart. When I walked into Peloyan's office he was on the phone with Swingle who was furious. Harry and Swingle were buddies. Harry told me that the GB had no knowledge of conventions all over Russia. They only gave the ok for one and that was St. Petersburg. However, when Jaracz went over to arrange for the convention, he also arranged for a bunch more but he never told the other GB members. They were shocked when they found out after the assemblies were held. They held an immediate meeting and "the boss" came very close to being removed. But he apologized over and over again and they forgave him.