You are right. I was too tough on Clash and I came across as a spell checking Pharisee. I'm not usually like that. I should have just ignored him. I sometimes let Fundies like Clash here get to me. And I know I shouldn't.
It seems they are only here to tell me, and everyone else who disagrees with them, that we are all in "serious error." Since leaving the JWs and trying to find a Church home I can't tell you how many Christians have told me that because I have questioned teachings such as a global flood and six 24-hour creation days that I am not really a Christian. Since I left the Watchtower I have learned much and have changed many of beliefs. I hope to continue learning and growing. I do not engage in discussions with others here just to show them their "serious error." I engage in discussions here with an open mind, hoping to learn from others, or to at least have my faith and beliefs "refined by fire" by allowing my faith and beliefs to be challenged. I have little patience lately for those here who seem to have a much different attitude. I know I should not. For I too was once a person who thought I knew everything, and thus could learn nothing. Like most here, I was once a JW.
Clash, if you are listening, I'm sorry for acting like a jerk. Please forgive me.