Please watch this video

by coffee_black 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black
  • shopaholic

    Seems like a story that Oprah would pick up...Many kudos to your grandson for bringing attention to the issue of homeless children!

  • BabaYaga

    No kidding, ShopA... somebody call Oprah!!!!

  • Scott77

    Hi CB,

    Just curious, what are your roles or specific tasks you are doing to see this young lad through on his historic, ground breaking foot trip in the United States? Are his safety need adequately catered for? I am asking this last question becasue I do not want him pass through questionable areas of security concern. Its important that he is not in harm's way. Good luck and best wishes for him.



  • coffee_black

    Shopaholic and Baba Yaga

    He is one of Oprah's ambassadors. He's working on another project as well with other students that Oprah initiated.


    Yes his safety has been planned for. He won't be alone at any point. My daughter is following along in her van. There are some people who will walk part way with him. I'll be taking care of my daughter's other 2 children for much of the time. My son and daughter in law are helping with that too. I'll be driving back and forth several times over the course of the summer to meet them on their way so that the kids can see their mom. I may walk part way too depending on logistics.


  • Anti-Christ

    This is something I admire and wanted to do myself.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Coffee:

    One person can make a difference; the many who are with David on his quest [his family and friends] will simply add to, it is hoped, "mission accomplished."

    Will "talk" again soon.

    Love and best wishes,


  • coffee_black

    bump The countdown has started. He begins two weeks from Monday....


  • mkr32208

    And if anyone in washington listened to him and tries to make a meaningful change then people like burn will scream about socialism and how terrible it is that they are being forced to help these people... Helping people is wrong to republicans!

  • coffee_black

    Actually not mkr32208.... I'm pretty much a conservative, and I'm behind this cause all the way. This is not about politics. It's about children...and taking responsibility in our own country for our own children. David gets very upset when people try to distract from the issue by making it an us against them kind of cause. I know this because he is my grandson, and we have talked extensively about this.

    He's trying to bring the number of homeless children into the consciousness of good people, so good people can work to make a change.

    Helping people is not wrong to Republicans, in fact there are Republicans and Democrats and Independents who have been helping him.


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