Who Will Be the Watchtower's New "Boss"?

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    What's a "euro-cut bikini bathing brief"?

    Sorry I have the body of a morbidly obese walrus. Would I fit into one? Would anybody offer me lurve in one??

    Is there a pattern for sale so I can make one?


  • besty

    that are generically known as Speedos Barb :-)

  • hamsterbait

    Omigosh besty!!

    That guy is like soooh slim and defined. Will a bikini euro briefy thing do this for my body? maybe the "Flat Belly Diet" is not what I need right now.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    How about the first woman to be elected has one of the GB members, perhaps things might

    improve if there were a sister in this group of leaders.

    Well we voted in the first Afro-American as the President of the United States,

    it might be time to vote in a sister as one of the GB members, the change might do them some good.

    I vote Whoopi

  • yknot

    Toughy if Herd throws his hat into the ring.....

    Losch is more aggressive but the other GB might be sick of aggression and prefer Herd.

    Which man is taller?......

  • MissingLink

    Loesch gets my vote. Crazy it up a notch!

  • JustHuman14

    Loesch is a real pshyco...Sometimes reminds me Booze Jo...So arrogant... I hope he will be on power. For sure he will be bring WT to their end faster than we thought....

  • metatron

    Here's the way I see things:

    China changed radically when the Long March Veterans died off. Russia changed radically when the Bolsheviks died off. And Witnesses?

    Fred Franz, Knorr and the rest of the old gang are gone. Russell and Rutherford are distant memories. Eventually, the new members of the GB will explode in sheer frustration to change something because they see the decay expanding and realize that THEY MUST DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

    You cut and cut and keep cutting. Like Hitler at the Battle of the Bulge, you must make some bold, risky move or lose it all.

    And that's where we are.......


  • Yizuman

    I vote Homer.....


  • daniel-p

    Losch would defintely be the "best" GB leader. He's probably the biggest ass, with Jaracz no longer competing for that title on his death bed. I remember him berating young Bethelites for calling each other "guys." We were supposed to always say "brother," and to not talk like normal people. I'd say he's probably the most insular, self-centered GB member, although others are more delusional (Splane being the chief deluded one, IMO).

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