Who Will Be the Watchtower's New "Boss"?

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Whether thru incapacity or death, the days of Jaracz's rule as unofficial "Boss" of the Watchtower are numbered. Who will emerge to take his place? Every Body of Elders I know has some guy who dominates the decisions made. Is Loesch the successor?

    Some facts: Loesch has engaged in unapproved speculation from the platform. He was once described as 'not the sharpest knife in the drawer'. He has been critical of brothers watching American football as too violent. He was also the Genius who told grieving parents, who came to him in Europe/South Africa upset because their children were abandoning the "truth", to "Read the Bible!".

    Not "read these verses" or "consider this approach to your problems", just "Read the Bible" - as if the friends were what? - going to the Koran or Bhagavad Gita for advice? When trouble erupted in my extended family with teenage Witnesses, this was the idiotic advice we got. I found it insulting and wished some sister would have had the courage to have slapped him over such a dismissive, wiseguy sort of answer to a heartbreaking situation.

    Samuel Herd as first among equals maybe? The GB member who referred to some other GB members as the "almost dead" ones?

    I think we may be in for some real fun here. Maybe implosion is a possibility.


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Loesh can literally destroy the WT$!!!

    If he does get to call the shots you can bet your bottom, there will be a special study article banning playing, watching or thinking about football (the american one not soccer.)

  • asilentone

    Losch is my bet!


    "Steven Segal".......He`ll toss all the GB menbers out the Bethel 2nd story window.....And..Go sit in the Big Chair!.....Then he`ll phone his agent,to see if there are any new movie scripts for him to review.................................OUYLAW

  • WTWizard

    Losch--along with a total ban on entertainment (not just one that passed but is still hanging). He will make everyone get up and report to the Kingdumb Hell at 5:30 in the morning, take attendance, and anyone that is not there will be hounded and dragged out there. Then he will keep track of how much littera-trash you are placing, compared with how much he thinks you should be. Ditto how much money you put in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund--any shortfall, regardless of why, results in big Trouble in the form of hounding. Work of a secular nature is also banned--you max out your credit and put the money into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.

    And no excuses for failure in field circus, either. If someone is not interested, you are to get that person interested (even if it's an apostate, with No Trespassing signs and having warned them several times not to return) or else you will be harassed and hounded to death. If you are sick, you go out anyways. If it's a blizzard, you still have to go out--even if travel is prohibited and too dangerous because of the blizzard. (So much for the good old fashioned snow day).

    Personally, I would like to see Danny Haszard take control of the whole thing. He would know how to bring the whole thing down in short order, fleecing the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund and reclaiming all he put into that fund. Once he is finished, the organization would never again be able to ruin people's lives.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    My guess is Loesch. But that's all it is--my guess. My reasoning is:

    1. Aside from Barr, who is probably not long for this world, Loesch has the most seniority. He was appointed in 1994. That's five years before any of the others. That probably counts for something.
    2. From comments on this board from others with more info than I, it sounds like Loesch has some unorthodox ideas. Wasn't he quoted by one of our Gilead grads as saying that a lot of doctrinal changes needed to be made? So, if Jaracz truly is incapacitated, then it would not surprise me if Loesch took this opportunity to try to increase his power and implement some of his new ideas.

    Of course, it remains to be seen whether he can make this happen. But, during his 15 years on the body, perhaps he has had the chance to make some allies (but he has probably made enemies, too).

  • besty

    Loesch and Herd will slug it out - what they fail to observe (because they are God's Government on earth donchya know) is that the WTS as a concept is at the end of its shelf life.

    As has been discussed many times on here the golden years for the WTS were the late 1950's (250,000 people in NY for a DC) anti-climaxing in 1975. The WW2 generation were ripe for being sucked into a cult promising a new world - they had seen first hand major warfare and personal deprivation - the rising economic tide washing over America lifted the Watchtower boat as well.

    But now the times have changed under their feet - Europe is effectively post-Christian and America is rapidly following - science is winning the battle against organized religion and a rational explanation for Biblical 'wonders' has become available. The death blow for religion <not spirituality> will be when technology makes eternal human life possible within the next 30-40 years. No need for salvation then. I digress.

    The Internet has destroyed the curtain the WTS have been hiding behind. Mass delusion is still possible but knowledge is power - all an enquring mind has to do is open a web browser and search their own religion.

    'Reforming' a dying cult will mean only one thing - hastened demise - thats the way it works...Herd and Loesch don't know this yet but any changes they make will only speed up the inevitable. Godspeed to them.

  • hamsterbait

    Jehovah - God and Christ - Jesus of course.

    Don't you know nuttin honey??


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Aw Shucks Folks I Appreciate your support.......ayuk...ayuk !

  • AndersonsInfo

    Here's another little tidbit about a GB member to think about:

    A Bethelite we knew went on the roof to sunbathe and was shocked to see Loesch up there sunbathing. He was wearing a Euro-cut brief bikini bathing suit! That story went around Bethel rather fast. But being a European, Loesch was wearing a suit popular over there, so everyone who heard the story made excuses for him as they giggled.

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