Who Will Be the Watchtower's New "Boss"?

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I think it will be Losch. He will push to make the religion even more wacky.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I hope it's Losch. I recall someone saying that he said at Gildead that there are "lots of teachings which need adjusting but not yet". I'm sure he's got a whole pack up his sleeve. I hope he cranks up the crazy and alienates half the membership (the half that currently believe).

    Bring it on!

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Remember this from Gerrit Losch last year? Just a glimpse of the new light that could soon be coming our way.

  • minimus

    Whoever is most "cultish".

  • daniel-p

    I really do hope to God Losch has the balls and influence to take over. He's clearly full of grossly regressive policies and doctrines, and with the delusion of being God's "channel", it all adds up to a very destructive leadership.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Going to college is like shooting yourself in the head. Gerrit Lösch


  • yknot

    Just a question.....

    Does Losch really believe all he has delivered or was it all just to push him to becoming the most recognizable GB?

    I mean how does the euro-mankini fit into those segments on modest attire?

    Is he legit or just playing the game?

    also how does the youngest GB Geof Jackson behave ..... seeing how he will be one of the last men standing when the rest start to die off.

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