I reccomend that your wife read the book " toxic people"
BASHING the families of disfellowshiped ones
by Pistoff 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The biggest offenders of associating with df'd family members in this area are elders. And other elders protect them by saying that it is "necessary family business" and tell you not to mention this to any of the rank and file and if you do you will be charged with slander.....
The jw's are not in danger so much at the doors because they can escape & leave or tell the door that they will get back to them on a question. With family they may have some level of respect and feel the family member could possibly be right and there lies the danger.
Now if they came to MY door..... bwahahahaha! look out! they will get an earful. But that won't happen, they aren't allowed at my door by my request.
By that (WTBTS) reasoning, JWs are in extreme danger every time they go out in service...
That [circular reasoning??] is something I NEVER understood - if talking to 'disfellowshipped' ones or 'apostates' is so dangerous, what makes the WTBTS think that JWs aren't going to run into similar information and attitudes when they call at any householder's door???
LOL..not just the door. Any disfellowshipped person can go to a Kingdom Hall and ask for a book study..just go to a hall where they don't know you. Pretend your family are JW's and then just say you've never been baptized and feel a need for a study. Then spend the next 6 months taking them down piece by piece. The most ironic and pathetic about it all, is that apparently the WTS tells the flock that they need to keep the congregation clean and they can smell danger..lol..and for months on end their halls are filled with apostates and unbelievers who call themselves JW's. How many people on here keep going and know it isn't the truth? Multiply that by 10 for every congregation - and double it for every weak member who'd leave in a heartbeat if they wouldn't be shunned. It's a joke.
One question I have about disfellowshipping - if you tell an Elder that you don't believe everything and you have doubts, will they disfellowship you? If you say that you did or do have contact with a disfellowshipped family member but didn't feel that the WTS needed to know, would you be disfellowshipped?
This is just what my parents need is another "strenthening" of their faith to belive that it is perfectly ok never to talk to the daughter they raised so as to feel justified in saying that I am evil and that satan has me in his control. This happens every year or 2 they will lighten up a little and be able to call and talk to me for a little bit then some new info comes out they write me a nasty letter and dont talk to me for 6mos then come begging back about how they still love me...WTF
They feel it is fine to talk to my abusive drug addict brother though cause he was never baptized. What a freaking technicality...the difference a peice of paper makes to their flawed thinking. I left on my own writing a well thought out letter thinking that I was doing the right thing and thats the thanks I get
drew sagan
Can this letter be verified? Anybody got a copy?
The EVIL Slave is beating the sheep, because the master has not returned when they expected.
They have deliberately ignored JESUS "At an hour you do not think to be it, the Son of Man is Coming."
They claim to know all seven separate occurrences of his "coming" and when they happen.
The reality is that we had children who tested limits, who got into trouble in the late teens but who have recovered very well, and are now high achievers but not interested in being witnesses. We supported them all along; after all, they are our flesh and blood, right? God's gift to us, right? Why would anyone question our decisions as parents to support our children, TALK to our children?
This is a reason why people should not be baptised in their teens, they are young and most will get into some kind of trouble, testing out their limits.
I had the same thoughts with my children, they are my flesh and blood, I felt like I had a responsibity and accountability concerning them. Carrying a bookbag and going to some meetings was much easier than staying home and dealing with the issues at hand. And I knew that I would be thought of so great in the congo, for choosing Jah over my own kids, ........crazy!!!
zombie dub
One question I have about disfellowshipping - if you tell an Elder that you don't believe everything and you have doubts, will they disfellowship you? If you say that you did or do have contact with a disfellowshipped family member but didn't feel that the WTS needed to know, would you be disfellowshipped?
last elders that came to rescue me, I told them I didn't believe any of it, that the WT was not God's channel. They looked surprised, but nothing was done, they just didn't come back again (after promising to look into a load of questions I had for them too)