i am not sure if i love your wife or purps more.........oompa
BASHING the families of disfellowshiped ones
by Pistoff 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I don't want manipulating Watch Tower Witnesses talking to me, so I'm glad to read the reinforced shunning stand. I have a much better life without them. Their crap don't fly with me. I have a one strike and you're out policy with Jehovah's Witness just because I know their weasel ways.
it is a matter of loyalty, who will we be loyal to, Jehovah or the df'd one?
LMAO......this is a wonderful example of how desperate the idiots at the top are that they have to constantly tell the R&F about their association with family members who are DF'd. Obviously there are a number of Witnesses who refuse to shun their family members and the Borg doesn't like that. They might find out the truth about "the Truth" and we can't have that can we? I know several Witness families---many of them prominent---who regularly associate with their disfellowshipped family members. Nothing the Borg says will make them stop and I hope the assholes who wrote that part for the ASSembly are reading this. -
[Big sigh.....] Sorry. This post's a bit off-topic; I'm explaining my earlier comments...
I am just so far out of the loop here - not a 'typical' ex-JW in any sense of the word - still feel some of that isolation that I felt as a JW...
Sorry - I'm rambling... The reason I made this comment: "deliberate ignorance of the 'dangers' that supposedly 'could' come from talking to a Df'd person, but that IN REALITY would more likely come from an extremely well-informed 'worldly' person at the door..."
Is because it was someone at the door who really rattled my confidence in the JWs... Actually, several times I heard things from people at the door which caused me to question what I was doing.
Now, ultimately, it was the hypocrisy of the WTBTS with regards to the issues of college educations and child battering that finally released me from the organization, but the impartial words of neutral observers rang so true with me, much more than the words of some fellow JW or ex-JW. The 'worldly' people were talking from 'the outside', and believe it or not, I recognized that their comments were much more 'neutral' [and reality-based] than the fear-oriented bias of the JWs.
Anyhoo, that's why I can't understand that the WTBTS doesn't see that talking to a well-informed 'worldly' person can 'wake' up a "good little JW" to the problems/hypocrisy in the WTBTS. 'Course, there are so many people who actually respond to the message; WTBTS wants more people brought into the (B)org so JWs have to go door to door. I wonder how many people left the JWs due to something a 'worldly' person said, tho...?
ziddina, I understand what you are saying. My first eye opener as to doctrine came from a young couple i was "studying" with. It made me start really investigating the "foundation" of WT beliefs. In ten years, I was out and out for good, not like my last flirtation with inactivity.
Yes a quiet question is all it took...proving that Jesus was Michael the archangel...I found there was no scriptural basis despite the scriptures the WTS threw around. It was somehwhat embarrassing.
Welcome, Blondie
BASHING the families of disfellowshiped ones
Ugh, my wife's family will probably be even more antisocial when they attend this DC. They haven't been to my place in months, all the better I suppose. The crosses I have placed on the walls would give them aneurysims.
Aw, Blondie, THANKS!! Thanks for all your beautiful, labor-intensive posts! Big Hug!
Can anyone scan the program for the DC?
"Anyhoo, that's why I can't understand that the WTBTS doesn't see that talking to a well-informed 'worldly' person can 'wake' up a "good little JW" to the problems/hypocrisy in the WTBTS. 'Course, there are so many people who actually respond to the message; WTBTS wants more people brought into the (B)org so JWs have to go door to door. I wonder how many people left the JWs due to something a 'worldly' person said, tho...?"
The difference is that Governing Body tells you to go from door-to-door speaking to people about their unique interpretations, whereas the Governing Body tell you not to speak to disfellowshipped people.
It's a matter of obedience.
I wonder how many people left the JWs due to something a 'worldly' person said, tho...?"
I did. I knocked on the door of a born-again christian (didn't we dread those ones?) This one wasn't nasty (the previous one called me a heretic and slammed the door)
Instead he invited me in and began to talk about God's grace, about how everything is paid for and I don't have to prove anything. This man's gentle manner had a profound affect on me that day and it began my exit.
Without him I would have always felt there was something wrong with the truth but like most dubs, didn't think there was anywhere else to go.
Perhaps the GB will ban JW's from calling on all other christians too?