Depression is a way of life for JW's

by butalbee 43 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Farkel


    Note that you didn't address any of my comments. Don't feel bad, though. I was once a dub and avoided facing facts myself.

    Instead, you said:

    : I don't know why you became an atheist, evolutionist, nihilist,

    No you don't know. I'm not an atheist and I'm not a nihilist.

    :... with hatred against God

    I cannot hate the JW God. That God only exists in dub fantasies. But if he did exist, yes, I would hate him. Who in their right mind wouldn't hate him. He's a genocidal, maniacal, vain, selfish, insecure narcissistic jerk.

    : and world and JW's and "dubs" and all type of religion and ideology

    I don't hate JWs. Here's proof: if I hated JWs, I wouldn't bother trying to help them get information about their religion that their religious leaders refuse to provide them.

    : and maybe with hatred against yourself too..

    Let's say I hated myself, ok? Does that change any facts I've presented. Dubs typically like to shoot the messenger when they don't like the message. If Hitler stepped forward and told the truth, would it be any less the truth because Hitler said it?

    As I said, you are just trying to obscure facts and issues you may not be ready to face. Yet.


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • butalbee

    What is a dub?

    There is only one God, it's the people's interpretation of it that you hate. I don't hate the JW God, I hate the people that created this bogus version of God. I hate the idiots at Bethel in Brooklyn who think? they are directly being communicating with God. I feel Bethel should be an insane assylum for the truly demented!! I tell you one thing, though, the awake magazine is a wonderful cat box liner! That is the only reason why I got the subscription!
    And their is no windows at the hall just to remind the loyal ignorant slaves that once your in, there is no way out. I can't imagine living these peoples lives, they look forward to the end of the world! I tell ya one thing, if their is a hell, witnesses have front row seats.

  • Gopher

    Hi butalbee. I am really enjoying your to-the-point posts! Don't hold back now, eh?

    What is a dub? dub is short for the letter "W", which stands for Witness, as in Jehovah's Witness. Dubbism is the mindset and/or activities of the dubs.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Erich


    There is only one God, it's the people's interpretation of it that you hate. I don't hate the JW God, I hate the people that created this bogus version of God...

    Believe me: YHVH/JHWH hate 'em too.
    What they really had to do as soon as possible, is: To build bridges between the message of scientists and their current understanding of the surrounding reality, and the message the bible tells us. It is absolutely nonsense to call the world of science a "satanic world"; rather it is the world of false religions, politics, wars, business, media etc.

    In a "spiritual paradise" (a WTS- term) it would never be possible there could happen an accident like as yours and your husband and his familiy. I think for you there is no need for an exorcism;-) ; rather for the elders and ministral servants in your CO, who enforced you preaching from door to door without having religious conviction, until you began to suffer under depressions.

  • Prisca


    I'm sorry that you are in such pain, and obviously the JWs are not the way to serving God. They are seriously misguided, although many JWs are sincere, and think that they are serving God with His approval.

    I would say that saying depression is a way of life for JWs is a bit of an exaggeration. There are many happy JWs, who enjoy living that way of life. Hoever, the restrictive pharisaic laws of JW life drag many people down. They lose the real joy that comes from serving a loving God, not a faceless man-made organisation.

    Butalbee, if you are suffering from depression then do what you can to help yourself. Learn to re-discover the old you. What were your interests before you started studying? Did you stop playing sport or engaging in some hobby? Re-start your interests and learn to enjoy life again. GET YOUR LIFE BACK.

    Hang in there. If you need someone to talk to, my email is open.

  • NameWithheld

    Watch out, Erich's been hittin the crack pipe again - spouting some 'JW meets Mr Science' dementia he's created. Funny how god is now speaking to Mr Erich instead of the GB in Crooklyn.

    Butalbee: I think you've made a wise decision about your man. He must decide what's important in his life, you cannot take a back seat to his religion, nor can he/should he force his way of life upon you. People have had happy mixed marriages w/ JW's in the past - but it's a really tough road and BOTH parties must be willing to deal w/ the major life differences involved. He must respect that you cannot buy into the JW lifestyle, and you will have to tolerate his wacky religion - and it's busybody elders and his busybody family - who will all look down on him for 'marrying outside the lord'. And then once married, try to convert you for the rest of your life.

    Good luck!

  • Erich


    ...Watch out, Erich's been hittin the crack pipe again - spouting some 'JW meets Mr Science' dementia he's created. Funny how god is now speaking to Mr Erich instead of the GB in Crooklyn..
    Why don't you try to discuss on a reasonable level? Nearly all of the forum-members do agree in some points with me. But you ? Why are you hacking such a long time into my eyes until evoking a flame war?

  • NameWithheld

    "Why are you hacking such a long time into my eyes until evoking a flame war? "


  • RR

    Funny .... depression is a way of life for most xjws

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • NameWithheld

    Hey this one cool cat not depressed </fredism>

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