I hate the CO

by superman 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot
    WTF? She's 18 right? Don't MOST people move out at 18? A foster home? What are you a retard? SHE'S 18!

    I mentioned the foster care aspect if she was displaced during the school year. Her brother or sister could receive financial aid for her care and depending on which state she lives in even a full ride into college. Many states view a person to still be under parental responsibility during school, in fact I was considered my Dad's dependent until I was 21 according to my parents divorce degree and he was obliged to pay child support and provide medical insurance since I was in college. We learned this foster care option after my sister was kicked out half-way through her senior year. She screwed up the college ride because like many JWkids, she wasn't fully prepared for the outside world and was emotionally not much older then a worldly 13year old! She had been brainwashed by her dad to accept that she would live at home with her parents (moral purity and all) until the day of her wedding.

    No most people don't move out on their 18th B-Day and that goes for worldly and JW alike, esp girls. Do you really know many 18 year olds who are emotionally ready to move out of their parents by being kicked out? It is different if you are moving in with friends or into a dorm because they still have a place emotionally to call home should they typically fail as many 18 yrs old do on the first try.

    The issue here is the difference between voluntarily making a transition and someone saying your not welcomed here anymore!

    I agree if she is kicked out after HS graduation then she should seek aid through the guidance and financial counselors at her chosen college. But I still think she gonna need family support and love from her sister and brother to ease the rejection by her parents.

    Family is more then a roof over your head afterall and Jesus didn't get dunked until about 30!

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Any organization, any PERSON who advocates, under threat of SHUNNING, that a family kick their own kids out of the house if they dont join this cult, is NOT OF GOD. Period.

    Anyone who follows that directive and treats their own family like they were satans minions living under their roof and not their own blood deserves to be ...I dont know...SHOT? STONED? LOCKED UP? ARRESTED?

    It pisses me off no end how this cult destroys families, lives, souls.

  • winstonchurchill

    That I have to kick out my kids?????


    Defintely CO's are the worst of the worst.

    Take my elder title away whenever you want. Good riddance. I'll mail you may 'Flock' book. Now get someone else to work for free. I will really miss those boring meeting deciding the colors for bathrooms, reading letters full of stupid rules, and above all I will miss all the paperwork note-taking. PLEASE someone get me an excuse to step down!

    If they didn't promote kids being baptized at 12 and 15, there would be no df'ing at 18. Let kids grow and decide.

  • ex-nj-jw

    My parents told me at age 13 that if I didn't get baptized I had to move out. I got dunked


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    In our old hall there was one Elder I really had alot of respect for because he was so down to earth .

    When his oldest son started getting into trouble and had several JC's over the next two yrs . At one point during a talk from the platform this Elder let everyone know he had been counciled by brothers that "IF he were my son I would have kicked him out by now "......The brother then said "Well friends I told that brother 'He's NOT your son He is MINE' and I will do what I feel is proper . I tell you what ,I wanted to stand up and cheer for this guy !

    Sadly he was also suffering from cancer at the same time ,and had to step down (never really knew if it was because of his sickness or his out spokenness ).

    His son eventually was df'd and did move out . He was estranged from his father during the final days of his illness before he died . It was gut wrenching talking to his son at the funeral , he told me he was happy his Dad at least got to meet his wife and knew they were expecting a child together .

    Years ago when I was still a sheeple We had a relative tell us they hated the way the JW religion tore families apart . I remember thinking, 'That's not true ' , Oh how time has proved my thinking wrong .....

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