Religious Fundamentalist Terrorist Strike Again?

by Justitia Themis 129 Replies latest social current

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    It doesn't appear police know the motive for this shooting, but it seems there is a high chance it is religous terrorism. This doctor has repeatedly put his life on the line to fight fundamentalism.

    Abortion Provider Dr. George Tiller Killed at Church

    Dr. George Tiller during his trial in early 2009.
    Dr. George Tiller during his trial in early 2009.
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    Latest Update:

    Police say Tiller's body was removed from the church at 12:30 Sunday afternoon. The FBI is involved in the investigation.

    Nationwide alert issued for car and suspect description.

    Suspect: white male 50-60, balding in middle, gray hair, white shirt, dark pants, 6'1" 220

    Powder blue 93 Ford Taurus, K-State vanity plate, tag "225 BAB".

    Eyewitness News has confirmed that abortion provider Dr. George Tiller has been shot and killed at his Wichita church.

    The shooting happened around ten o'clock Sunday morning at the Reformation Lutheran Church.

    Location of Church

    Police have a suspect description. The suspect is described as a white male in his 50's or 60's with grey hair that is balding in the middle. He is about 6'1" and about 220 pounds and was wearing a white shirt and dark pants.

    The suspect was last seen in a light blue Ford Taurus, possibly an early 1990's model. It has a K-State vanity plate and a Kansas license plate number 225 BAB.

    Tiller was the victim of violence before. On June 9, 1986 someone detonated a homemade bomb on the roof of his Wichita clinic. No one was hurt

    During the Summer of Mercy in 1991, protesters blocked the entrance to his facility before a federal judge ruled the protesters be arrested.

    Two years later, Dr. Tiller was shot outside his clinic the evening of August 19, 1993. His wounds were not life threatening. Abortion opponent Shelly Shannon was convicted of that shooting and sentenced to prison.

    Eyewitness News has multiple crews on the scene. Expect updates here on, on Eyewitness Newscasts and on Twitter under KWCH12.

  • Elsewhere

    Ironically, it's the "God Bless America, let's hunt the terrorists" types who are most likely to turn to terrorism to achieve their goals.

  • Brocephus

    All right, Brother Cephus is going to jump on this gernade and get blown to bits in this thread I sure.....

    OK, first off. Killing this man in his "church" is wrong. Killing him was NOT be the proper way to stop the cruel and unusual late term abortions that this Dr. Specialized doing. However, I see life as sacred no matter what side of the (female reproductive organ) it is on. I can see how someone could see this as defending an innocent life. Again, I would not go so far as to agree 100% with that but I can understand that view.

    Second, this was not just an average abortion doctor. From what I read he was proud (claiming over 60,000 lives aborted) and prolific with the late term abortions in the very conservative western Kansas area. This is the same area that gave us the "God hates fags church" Westboro Baptist I think. They are protestors who go to Army funerals to tell folks their loved one died b/c homosexual sin in America. I would not be surprised if this killing leads back to them or their friends. Yes there are some seriously crazy people there. So for this Doctor to insist on being a proponent of something that is offensive and hated by most people in his community was a little reckless. I concede that legally, Dr. Tilley had every right to do his "work" in this community. I also legally have a right to hold a Ku Klux Klan ralley in Harlem (a black community) if I wanted to as well. But I consider both to be taking my life in my own hands and just plain offensive to the community. Just because you have the right to do something doesn't always mean it is right to do that thing.

    I feel sorry for this "Doctor's" family and his friends that had to witness this shooting at his church. But I really beleive he choose to put himself out there. He could have moved to Kansas City or a larger city and continued his work. He had been shot and bombed before, he knew what was going to happen to him. He wanted to be a Matyr for the abortion cause, I would imagine about now he is second guessing that decision.

    Allright.... go ahead begin my lynching now, posters.

  • sammielee24

    Isn't it interesting that those who purport to detest killing a fetus will engage in war or violence that takes another life...totally illogical and assinine. The abortion hater murders the abortionist...that makes a whole heck of a lot of sense.


  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    So for this Doctor to insist on being a proponent of something that is offensive and hated by most people in his community was a little reckless.

    Really? Reckless like being an anti-segregationist and doing something "offensive and hated by most people in [the] community" like being a black rider and refusing to go to the back of the bus? Yes, we wouldn't want to challenge local social norms and mores now would we. :)

    Additionally, urban areas (such as Kansas City) usually have enough abortion doctors; no doubt he decided to practice where his services were most needed, such as rural Kansas. Those 60,000 abortions he performed were performed on women who lived in those 'God hates fags/abortion' areas, since it is highly unlikely that an urban women would needlessly travel to go see him.

  • leavingwt

    With a nickname like, "Tiller the Killer", you would have thought that George would have either had a pesonal security detail or an Armani suit made of Kevlar.

  • Brocephus

    To Sammies wife: Would you shoot a man about to hurt your child? Obviously in this shooters mind they were preventing the death of innocents. If you see abortion as murder and believe lethal force is reasonable to protect innocents, then wah lah there is your logic. Not saying it is right but from that perspective it is very logical. It would be interesting to see what I jury would decide if the killer is apprehended and uses this defense.

    To Justitia: The Civil Rights movement was full of many matyrs and not just ones you have heard of like MLK. Many ordinary folks were shot, beaten and drown to death protesting and attempting to legally and peacebly fight for racial equality. It was noble and I hope they felt it was worth paying the ultimate price. Personally I don't think the right to kill unwanted babies falls in such a noble category. I believe in responsiblity: Being responsible for the babies you make and being responsible for the laws you break. So for me it's a two wrongs doesn't make a right situation. The killer should be held responsible under the law for his actions today. But I will never feel sorry for a man that killed 60,000 babies and was proud of it. I feel bad too for all the emoitional and spiritual trauma the women that thought this was the only choice have suffered. I go back to my point, just because I have the right to do something doesn't make it the right thing to do. I have a legal write to drink a gallon of whiskey every morning but it doesn't mean I should or that there aren't serious spiritual, emotional and physical consequences to doing so.

    Many of these babies killed in late term abortions could be delivered as well? Do you not think this goes beyond the issue of contraception?

    Just to clarify that I am not a robot on this issue. I see no problem with Ru-486 (the morning after pill) or all other forms of contraception I know of. If you don't know what late term abortion is, I suggest you google ans see what we are talking about.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    If you see abortion as murder and believe lethal force is reasonable to protect innocents, then wah lah there is your logic.

    If you see abortion as murder, but are willing to commit murder yourself, then you are a hypocrite.

    It would be interesting to see what I jury would decide if the killer is apprehended and uses this defense.

    I would hope that they would uphold the law, which is pretty clear cut.

  • Brocephus

    Uhh Keyser: Most cultures that believe lethal force is ok to prevent murder to not see that act as murder. It's called just plain killing or man slaughter. So if that was your belief system then no you would not be a hypocrit. You would only be a hypocrit if you believed lethal force to protect innocent life was wrong but still chose to use it. Sorry to go all logical on you and make sense.

    Abortion is a argument with few winners. But I will say the Pro-Lifers are more vocal in their arguments and I get bored of hearing them too. One argument I don't here from Pro-Choice folks is: Why Abortion is not murder? I know the Pro-choicers are quick to say it's a violation of their rights. Fine I give you that. Let's say the constitution gives you the right to kill your unborn child. But, does anyone have the intellectual honesty or nerve to argue or explain to me exactly how a late term abortion is deferent from infanticide? I would love to hear why you think it is not such. I won't personally attack any one, just looking for an honest logical argument for late term abortion? I have yet to hear one.

    Remember slavery was once very legal and endorsed in the constitution. It only changed because someone made a good argument against it. Simply attacking the slaveowners as "racist honkies" didn't cut it, I promise. Please make your case... I am listening.

  • GromitSK

    Actually keyser is right. If you believe murder is wrong, and that abortion is murder and therefore wrong too but it is permissible for you to murder someone then you are a hypocrite.

    The way to stop abortion is to get your government to legislate against it. If this has been unsuccessful it is because the majority of people don't agree with you. You can try to pursuade them but to adopt violent methods in a democracy when one's argument fails is simply terrorism.

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