I believe that telling a mother not to talk to her daughter is wrong regardless of when Jerusalem fell or exactly how certain verses can be read. Don't you agree?
Yes I do. However, 607 is the start point for the 1914 doctrine, which feeds into the 1919 selection doctrine which in turn placed this elder in his position of authority. Using his Society ordained authority he had tried to coerce a woman into having no fellowship with her disassociated daughter, Hobo's wife. He had also used his authority to slander Hobo and his wife to the mother.
Trying to point elders in the direction of compassion doesn't work as they believe they've to follow to the letter the decrees of the Watch Tower Society, regardless of how heartless these decrees may be. But the Watch Tower Society only has power over lives if people believe it was selected in 1919.
So, I can understand that at some point in the conversation the very basis for this elder's authority is going to be challenged, and as this elder had steadfastly refused to consider any criticism of the Society through the previous 5 hours of conversation with Hobo and his wife, maybe it's understandably that Hobo tried the 607 route.
To focus in on this one point as a means to criticise Hobo's tackling of the elder is a bit poor, to be honest. He pinned his colours to his mast, stood up for his wife and was counted as a man for doing so. He has balls.
How would you have handled it, just out of interest?