Hello Sadie,
It's not going to be anything drastically different after you are baptised. It's like you put the wet rope around yourself....and as it dries.....it shrinks and tightens - ever so quietly.
Your kids want to play Little League baseball? No. Go see Harry Potter movie? No. Want to play intermural (sp?) sports? No. Sit in classroom while others kids have parties? No. Join in those parties? NO!!! Join in class politics? No. Play football? No. Girls go to slumber party? No. There are a host of other "No's." And lord, the grey areas will drive you nuts. "should I let them......." It's endless, as are the explanations to the kids.
"Ok, you can play in band, but can't play during National Anthem." But mom! I can't go walking off the stage! Can I pretend to play? "No, people will think you're still playing. You can sit there with horn on your lap." (This conversation actually took place with my son. - And I was stupid enough to watch to make sure he did "just so.")
You're dress is too revealing.
Too tight.
Too loose.
Too long.
Too short.
Slit too high.
Heels to high.
Not wearing hose.
Wearing too much jewelry.
Wearing too ethnic style prints.
Wearing too brightly colored clothes.
Hair style too ethnic or too worldly.
Make up not appropriate.
Sitting next to male not married to.
Crossing legs in front row.
Going too many times to the restroom.
Allowing your children to go to the restroom.
Wearing jangling jewelry.
Whispering during meeting.
Not enough Field Time turned in.
Not answering properly during meeting.
No questions allowed during meetings.
Do not ask questions from any brother except your own husband at home.
Cannot correct any baptised brother - no matter age, no matter what stupid, incorrect, comment he made. He's a Man.
Children are to sit entire meeting.
No crayons, no pencils, no drawing, no toys, no moving, no sleeping.
This is off the top of my head ---- just the signals you'll learn to do during the meetings. Lord, then there's Field Service, Home Life, School, Doctors, Jobs, sex with your husband, extended family gatherings .......and it's primarily "No". But then it's too late.
And the wonderful "New brothers & sisters, mothers & fathers?" You'll make friends, just like you would in the world. The difference? If you don't produce time and come to meetings.....you'll have no association - as you'll be labeled as "weak" "unspiritual" "bad association". Your children will be labeled so that other jw kids won't invite them to play. And you should never let your kids play with worldly kids.
Btw, have you read some of the sexual threads on this forum? Does your husband realize that if he wants to be a good brother and "reach out" towards being a ministerial servant, he and you will never engage in oral sex? Don't even consider anal sex. Never masturbate? Never use any form of pornography? Of course, please don't feel it's necessary to answer - but that little tidbit might not have come up for conversation during your "bible study."
Your husband may be a fine man. But if you get baptized, and he dies, divorces you, runs away, etc., - you will only be allowed to "marry in the lord" - which means another jw man. One elder commented during the WT study about wife abuse...."but that doesn't mean if he justs slaps her - the elders don't want to get involved in something so slight." Of course, he didn't mention that there's a "closed handed slap" which some men use.
But it's a quiet cancer of the heart......and jw's are taught that they're the "happiest people in the world." And they only whisper to each other their pain and sadness.
Think about all the ways you and your children will be impacted by your decision. Think.
ps Sorry for the long post.