So a good friend of mine e-maild me today with this information. Aparently brother Hurd says as of 2010 all the magazine printing and distribution will be moved to Canada. The only printing the US will do is the books. Now I didn't check the boards to see if this info is already on here (I'm still pretty knew) but wanted to pass it along. What is going on? It seems for decades nothing happens and the minute I get out everything happens! Oh well, at least we get to hear about it first!....wildflower
I just heard of more organizational changes...........
by awildflower 95 Replies latest watchtower bible
Funny I just logged on to post this very topic.
Yes I have also heard the same thing. The word is that the Canadian Bethel will be doing all the printing for the whole of North America. They are getting ready to put together a new state of the art printing press/presses. Apparently the work will be non stop and bethelites will be working overtime, shifts and double shifts.
Something is up. Seems like watchtower is running from something. Are there more legal woes coming down the pipes and are they trying to protect their assets by transferring things to other countries? I wonder what the scoop is.
I wonder how the environmental regulations differ in Canada, or if there is a better deal on shipping- look for the $$$
The Almighty Homer
As far as environmental regulations in Canada go if anything they're stiffer, and as for shipping costs, they are about the same or even a bit more.
I thought they just bought a huge plot of land In New York State that they were going to develop.
It wouldn't make sense to close down the Printing production in the States since the the States carries their widest amount of circulation
of their literature. More and more people though are getting clued in to their dirty deeds, that may also include the law societies in the US and abroad.
I wouldn't be surprised if they moved totally out of Brooklyn New York since their buildings there are aged and out dated and their value is tremendous.
In Canada Bethelites will get Universal Health Care courtesy of the State
Watch this space - more will move to Britain (not sure what) generous charity laws and Free Healt Care provided by the State
omg... this really is big... and as always... waiting for confirmation to hear if this is true! It certainly makes sense to me, they will have PLENTY of money once they sell that NY property!
And Stilla said:
In Canada Bethelites will get Universal Health Care courtesy of the State
Bingo, Sir, I think we have a winner!
Scarred for life
Aha! Free health care!
But I thought the end of the world was imminent. What's the need for health care?
Dont forget the French Bethel closed (that was due to taxation issues) and the remaining Bethelites moved to London Bethel - free health care and generous tax laws in Britain. It totally makes sense to me - but then I am a cynic
Scarred for life
It totally makes sense to me also.