Christians risk rejection and discrimination for their faith in Britain.

by BurnTheShips 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brocephus

    The workplace is for work ultimately - not a captive audience for conversion to your belief system.

    I agree with that 100%. Many Chrisitians forget that and also forget that you will show others much more about your faith by the way you act and live than by what you preach. Even Jesus' words would have been meaningless if it were not for his actions.

  • BurnTheShips
    OK so the liberals want my kids to know about oral sex, condoms and gay marriage before 10 but they can't handle the truth about abortion?

    If one has the right to choose to kill an innocent human life, then another has the right to choose to display the results of that choice.

    Quid pro quo.

    My problem with you beks is you refuse to believe that Anti-abortionist or anyone that has faith is coming from and honest place.

    She can't allow herself to believe it. It would indicate the possibility that she could actually be wrong, and that opposition to on-demand abortion is not rooted in mere delusion, but in a noble, high moral imperative that treats us all as humans deserving basic rights to LIVE, to breath, and to not be murdered and from our mother's wombs untimely ripped out.


  • beksbks
    you refuse to believe that Anti-abortionist or anyone that has faith is coming from and honest place.

    Where did I say that? Actually if you read back on this thread alone you will see otherwise.

  • BurnTheShips
    Where did I say that? Actually if you read back on this thread alone you will see otherwise

    Your statement above in the thread is an allegation of dishonest hypocricy. For any who champion the cause of the unborn.


  • beksbks
    If one has the right to choose to kill an innocent human life, then another has the right to choose to display the results of that choice.

    Even though that display is in front of innocent human life. Perfect.

    As I've said numerous times now, I myself do not believe I could have an abortion. Fortunately I have never been in a position to wonder. I just don't believe that I have the right to make that decision for another. I'm also faaaaaaaaaaaar and away more concerned with the health and safety of those alive and living. Not to mention the prevention of pregnancy in the first place.

  • drwtsn32
  • beksbks
    the outrage by many anti abortionists
  • Brocephus

    Beks, I came to that conclusion based on personal comments you have directed towards me on other threads but maybe you are turning a new leaf here.

    I believe what I believe because of who I am not because of who you or any other Pro-choicer might be. I wonder sometimes if the Anti-Abortion folks were God loathing liberals if you would still be Pro-choice.

    All you really do is say that your side is cool and the opposition are jerks. You never provide, facts, logic or reasoning to back up your position.

  • drwtsn32
    What amazes me more is that the abortionists here are more scandalized by a graphic display of this abhorrent practice than they are by the practice itself--which is what creates these horrible images.

    I think it's ok for everyone to take a shit -- doesn't mean I want to see pictures of it.

  • BurnTheShips
    the outrage by many anti abortionists

    I think just about all prolifers are outraged. Many take that outrage and use it to change the system. When things are outrageous they should provoke outrage in emotionally healthy people.


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