Christians risk rejection and discrimination for their faith in Britain.

by BurnTheShips 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StAnn

    Burn, this is a losing battle re: this board.

    Perhaps the christians who are being persecuted merely go to work wearing a modest cross around their neck. That's enough to target them as Christian. Perhaps they cross themselves and pray before eating lunch. That's enough to target them as Christian. Not everyone who is Christian goes to work trying to convert their workmates.

    The issue I see is, if Sharia Law is respected and allowed to co-exist with civil law in Britain, then I think that Canon Law should be allowed to do so also. Let's be fair here.

    St. Ann


    Gross abortion picture..Little kids will see that.......It`s not right.................OUTLAW

  • Anti-Christ

    I agree StAnn that not all Christians preach at work and if they just were a cross and get discriminated against then it's a case for the courts. Here in Canada if someone would be victim of discrimination just for wearing a religious symbol the employer would be in a world of sh*&.

  • Narkissos

    Imo Christians who mix up freedom of religion with public display of religion should read Matthew 6 again...

    In France, for a few years there has been a law against religious, political or philosophical demonstrations (especially conspicuous symbols, be they hijab, kippa or cross) in public offices and administrations. A private employer is perfectly entitled to ban such from his business -- s/he only has to make the rules clear. Whether society is construed as "secular" or "multicultural" the vast majority agrees that keeping the public space "flag-free" is ultimately in the best interest of all.

  • Anti-Christ

    I agree that public places must remain secular( in Quebec we have a hard time with that, there is a cross in the court room in my city) but shouldn't the individual have the right to wear a religious symbol?

  • Brocephus

    I think the Abortion picture is disgusting but for other reasons than beks I guess. Pictures like this made me start to research what a fetus is and lead to my current position against elective abortion for contraceptive purposes.

    I wonder where Beks works that she doesn't know much about her coworkers. I have only been at my job for less than two years. I have 60 people in my department. I'd say about 20 of them or so I have met their spouses/partners and had serious talks about God and faith with a dozen. In a department of 60 people there is always a funeral or party happening. Maybe you just work with a bunch of cold bastards that don't talk to eachother. Anyhow my Boss is gay and we all get a long. Everyone is respectful, that's the key to getting along at work and the message boards. LOL.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Could it be that they are bringing it on themselves by their own displays of intolerance towards workmates not of the same, or any, denomination?

    A PDF of the survey is available here.

  • mkr32208

    Maybe it's because people who believe in invisible men in the sky have inherent mental stability problems? Certainly anyone who believes that a dead carpenter is going to solve all of earths problems can't be trusted to have a position on cleaning up the environment or making strides to help societal woes after all jesus is going to take care of it so why do we really need to do anything? Anyone who truly believes that god gave us his word to show us how things should be done in regards to justice can't be trusted to do anything decision wise in a legal setting! Anyone who believes that god has made his moral standards in regard to health care plain in his book can't be trusted to provide adequate patient care and is certainly not promotable in the hospital!

    Now in the US all of that idiocy above makes you a BETTER choice for those jobs! I mean what better qualification could someone have to head up the environmental protection agency than the firm belief that the environment doesn't NEED to be cleaned up as Jebus is going to do it? Friggin retarded... However in most of western Europe that's not the case anymore AND THANK GOD FOR THAT!

    I'll give you a perfect example. We have an RN who is a witness she won't give blood she won't assist with some procedures she won't do this she won't do that the list is pretty friggin long. At the beginning of every shift a charge nurse has to HAND SELECT her patients for her... It's bullshit! Now if she wants to go to the MICU or NICU she isn't going to get hired because she' can't or WON'T do her friggin job! I'm sure she'goes on and on about how persecuted she is at the hall but the reality is that she ISN'T!

  • Anti-Christ

    Interesting points mkr32208..

  • besty

    British workers don't decorate their cubicles as much as their American brethren.

    And if you do have a decorated cubicle, or any sort of cubicle, then promotion is not your biggest issue.

    Which would fit with the correlation between education and religious belief.

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