Let me help you

by JWMAN 71 Replies latest jw friends


    (((Your very presence here is in direct violation of the 'wise and loving counsel' from the Faithful and Discreet Slave (lol). How can you help anyone when you don't even follow the rules that you are defending?)))

    I know this tired, defensive response. However, let me say to you that Jehovah does allow the Shepard to leave the ninety-nine to find the one. I am now knocking at your door, I don’t know who you are or your past. Great things are taking place as I write this!! Trust this provision of love.

    Sister Mouse, thanks for your light! It truly shines on us all.

  • evilchicken

    hey JWMAN,
    Get outta here! I would rather have Gypsy Rose Lee sing Let Me Entertain You and take her clothes off than hear you say Let Me Help You. Besides I have never seen a plea of reconciliation to WT ever posted on this site by anyone here.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Please help me.

    I'm not ready to "go deeper" now. I'd like you to help me with the specific subjects that cause me such distress and doubt.

    Please address the issues I raised here, so that your soothing balm can be shared with others who may not even be aware of the depth of their pain.

    YOU called "for all lost sheep, JWMAN. YOU said, "Let me hlep you."

    Help me.

  • HoChiMin


    When you say "turn to our lord Jehovah" do you mean rejoin the WT ?

    The wording you use is not quite Dub speak if you know what I mean, they usually use the terms: Jehovah God , or God Jehovah, would you agree?

    Just so you know I thank you for the offer, but I would rather step in front of a speeding locomotive than to return to a high controlling group such as the JW's




    I am only a man who has been where you have been. Please, lets get back to what has been lost.

  • Pathofthorns

    So what would the Faithful and Discret Slave "class" (lol) think of your using scripture to defend your association with "apostates" here? Would they buy your explanation?

    Basically you are saying we can disregard their counsel if we can come up with some sort of scriptural reasoning to justify our position. This thinking is not acceptable to them. You are on your way out of "the truth".



    All your posts are noted and well taken. I cannot address all things here and now. Please let me offer this: some seem to adhere more to legalism than most. Jesus rejected this and we should to. Who shall each one of us stand before? Not a human court, but Jehovah’s.

    I truly know how deep your cuts are, however, like all cuts, time is needed to heal. I pray that all will start now to heal with the help of our Lord Jehovah and his son Jesus, so the process can start! Experience the change and the calling!! Our God has not forsaken us. The power is hear now!!

  • RedhorseWoman
    What drives you and me here, to this site, every day thinking and talking and writing about Jehovah’s people?

    JWMAN, honey, sweetie, poopsie, I don't know where you got the idea that we discuss Jehovah's people here. We don't. We talk and write about the WTBTS and JWs.....definitely NOT Jehovah's people.

    On the other hand, many of us have discovered a REAL relationship with God since exiting the cult. We're trying to help others get out of bondage.

    How can we help YOU?


    Hey super hero,First off you don`t know where I`ve been.The truth is you don`t know a dam thing about me.Secondly you don`t know what your shit for brains religion has cost me,I`m never gonna get back what was lost.I`m never gonna get it back,because it was destroyed,by your sorry bunch.The next dub that messes with my life will be pushing up daisys.That will give the sorry bastard a first hand chance to see if the resurection theory is true.Now I`ve got to go put the BBQ on!I hear we`re having roast dub for dinner!LOL...OUTLAW


    Dear brother Outlaw:

    I am no supper hero. However, Jehovah’s holy spirit can empower all who ask! Outlaw, I have been there, please believe me. Your posts exposes your thoughts and I feel that you did have the power of God. Let us bring it back.....you know what I am saying is true.....

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