Let me help you

by JWMAN 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • NameWithheld

    <insert tune here ...> Here I come to save the day! </end dramatic music>

    It's a bird - no it's a plane - no it's JWMAN!!!!!

    Ah run for your lives!

    Seriously JWMAN, I love how you JW types show up with these 'return to Jehovah' posts. Then when ANYTHING of substance comes up you fall back to the tired "I don't have time" routine. I thought you were here to help. Make time. Or I predict you will fall to the "I'll have to research this and get back to you" routine. Then failing that you'll simply a) fade away and disappear, or b) become Fred Hall II with your little "return to jehovah" one-liners - cause that's all a JW can do - one liners. Get into more substance than that and your pathetic arguments crumble into dust ...

  • Englishman

    JW Man,

    I know you! Wait a mo though,.... yes yes, oh thank God it's.. it's..



    Bring on the dancing girls!


    Dear brother NameWithheld:

    Your humor is fitting. Based on all the lost faith of each one of us. But now, please, lets rethink our paths and join together as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and fight the good fight!
    Review most of these posts on this site. Darkness is everywhere. Help me spread the light......Please brother?

  • NameWithheld

    What good fight would that be? Has Jehovah asked us to participate in the big "A" now?

    If it's dark, turn on a 'new light'


    Brother Englishman:

    I have really enjoyed most of your posts! Please consider my message of restoration! Pray for us all. Good things of God are coming soon!!


    Brother NameWithheld:

    E-mail me, and we will talk! However, I have had many e-mails for help but I will respond.....thanks!

  • Stacey

    I think we've got another mental case visiting our wonderous board. Hmmmmmm.

    Join our resident YouKnow and (as much as I love him) Fred who thinks he's a cat. Oh my... we're collecting them...



    Hey super hero,If you blow enough sunshine up our collective ass`s do you think we`ll see the light!(LOL)Why the hell would E-man want to leave he`s got a never ending beer!Although I`m a little choked at Joel Bear.If you check out his posts,you can see Simon got him a pool.None of the rest of us got a pool,just Joel!I want a new pool and some non-stick pots and pans.The expensive ones not the cheapo`s.That will teach Simon for not getting me a pool!(LOL)...OUTLAW

  • metatron

    I'm a prophet inspired by holy spirit!

    I predicted platitudes and I was right!

    JWman, if you have anything concrete to say, please do so



    Yes, I know you are calling out! Much, much pain. I understand, I just truly love you all and I am here to help.

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