Welcome God_Delusion!!
To protect me from the "apostate" witchhunt, I use my special cloaking device when raising questions like these. Every question revolves around "how would you respond in the ministry?" What I know or think isn't at issue, it's a matter of getting them to reason on an acceptable answer to valid questions, "how are you qualified to knock on people's doors with 'the truth' if you can't explain really basic questions about Noah's ark?" Think there's an answer in the "Reasoning" book? Nope, it doesn't even touch the subject of how kangaroos got to the ark then miraculously to Australia without any staying in Asia, Africa, Europe, or going to any other islands or the Americas.
For any dub, you should brainlessly accept a reniaa-like explanation like you are an uneducated 3 year-old. Obviously, if the next issue of Botchtower had a reversal saying that Christmas was now to be celebrated, gifts were to be purchased from Watchtower.org, and Santa really lives at the North Pole, reniaa would be here saying, "It's the truth!" And every other dub would have to march in step or be labelled an "apostate"! Of course a dub would accept the explanation that angels carried kangaroos, and koalas, and Chinese pandas, etc. to Noah's ark and magically shrank and froze them so they'd fit in a "floating box"... well, if that was what Watchtower actually said. But they never answer those questions, it's too "scientific" to merit their consideration. You should just have unquestioning faith... just like every other "false religion".
There is no way you can use that explanation in the "field service". Any person who has been to the zoo is going to realize that all those animals won't fit in a floating crate. And the stink would kill the humans in the ark.
So, do those brothers think that if they can't answer some logical questions about Bible accounts, they're going to start calling householders "apostate"? And the brothers will run away crapping their pants like 3 year-olds that were just informed that there is no Santa?
B the X