It's safe to say that in most instances, it appears that the catalyst for the final move away from JW's, the real start of a road toward a JW exit, is something that affected you personally, whether that was you or a loved one/family member. We hit our personal BS level, can't take it anymore,
THEN we start to examine the flaws of JW dogma.
I would suggest that most do not start a JW exit because they examine the dogma on a personal study project and find out that something isn't right. For my part, I went through my own personal hell, which somehow loosened me up and allowed me to give myself permission to explore all the weird oddities that are JW teachings.
I think it easier to see and discuss whats wrong with JW's from a personal point of view, (which is probably how it should be) because of how harmed people are.
However, in the abstract, JW's are wrong because of their incorrect prophecies, their out and out cynical lies concerning changing dogma and prophecies that didn't come true, and the psychological problems that ensue as a result of following the unique and cruel "standards." (shunning immediate family anyone?)
Oh, did I mention blood transfusions and the deaths that results?
JW's are fond of saying they have the truth, but few see it because Satan has blinded most... Obviously, the truth is that JW teachings are so weird, so unusual, that they will really only attract a certain subset of the general population. They can't ever be big. It just won't work. They can't even guarantee that JW parents can keep their kids as practicing JW's. These days, JW's can't count on anything.
While I do think that the GB will have continued success in general in scaring their membership from the internet, they continue to face a losing battle with how much information is out there regarding JW's on the internet. The rate of slowing growth (as Japan remarkably demonstrates) is in direct proportion to how easy it is to fact check what JW's claim with other resources. In the last 10 years, it can be claimed for the first time that there is a generally available resource (the internet) to fact check JW's. Prior to this, a potential convert generally had to decide on their own whether to believe JW's or not. Not anymore.
The occasional JW apologist who come on boards like this further demonstrate an unwillingness by JW's to debate JW teachings on anything other then JW approved material and concepts, when it is in fact these materials and concepts that are in question in the first place!
My whole point in this long post is that there are two arguments to be made against JW's. The personal ones we all know well. But the other arguments, regarding a strictly abstract study of JW teachings, dogma, and history, is just as compelling, much less personal, and I believe generally more effective in educating non JW's who are curious about the dangers inherit in being a JW.
There is the face that JW's put on, and then there is the truth.
The issues facing JW's are not just the lives ruined (which is bad enough) but that the group as a whole believe in absolute weirdness. They drink, eat, and bathe in it, and they are so use to it, I truly believe the leadership doesn't understand just how much everyone has them pegged.
Lately, even JW's who are still in are pegging them as well. Thats good news for all. It's the rot that the GB can't control, and doesn't seem to understand.