I'd rather watch blow ups on Mythbusters, it's safer that way.
If you can't smell the burnt sulphur, wipe the soot from your face, and rub your throbbing ears, you might as well stay home and jerk off.
by John Doe 24 Replies latest jw friends
I'd rather watch blow ups on Mythbusters, it's safer that way.
If you can't smell the burnt sulphur, wipe the soot from your face, and rub your throbbing ears, you might as well stay home and jerk off.
Girls don't jerk off...we shimmer ;-D
As kids we used to go round the streets after bonfire night and collect spent fireworks - not all of the contents would have burned. We'd tip all the unburnt powder into a pile and set light to it to make what we called 'genies'
Great fun at the time, but with hindsight very very dangerous!
You can make some nice booms opening up bottle rockets and collecting powder. ;-)
When I was around 10 or 9 I used to take all the black powder out of about ten rolls of caps, it would take a couple of hours and it could blow off a finger or 2, which I never did but it sure was loud. Back in the early sixties and a minor I sure got away with a lot they would put you in jail today for.
Later as I got older around 12 I did my research and was making ammonia tri-iodine, sugar&saltpeter, no luck with making gun powder with potassium nitrate but potassium chlorate worked fine, also potassium permanganate and aluminum dust (great flash powder).
At around 14 I left off making explosives as they no longer offered the excitement, having made a host of different ones, and the cops kept questioning me, I didn't like the heat, so I lost interest. I haven't played with them since, not even the least bit interested in it,,but still can recall how I made them.
Had a friend that did...went to his funeral in 1987.....true story.
Works Bomb doesn't get any easier than this.
I also when very young would find calcium carbide, and one of my friends ripped off a bunch of blasting caps and 5 sticks of dynamite from his fathers truck which he got caught and a good beaten by his dad.
I used to wire up my front door with firecrackers to explode when someone pushed the doorbell. One day the local cop came to our house to talk to my mom about something and pressed the button to ring the bell. The explosion startled him and he fell off the steps and cut his head open. Amazingly, I didn't get into trouble, but I nearly had a heart attack at the age of 11 or 12.
I also made mixtures of saltpeter, charcoal, and sulpher; and saltpeter and sugar. Once, I accidently overheated the saltpeter/sugar mix on the stove when my mom was gone and it ignited in a brillant flash and filled the whole house with smoke. It took a long time to air out the house but I never got caught. Another time I stupidly ignited some leftover stuff I was mixing in the basement and a spark jumped into a container of my newly mixed stuff and set it off. Fortunately, it only flashed and didn't explode, but the house filled up with smoke. Mom was home that time and she wasn't too happy with me. Whenever she left the house to go somewhere I'd always ask, "How long are you gonna be gone?" That always made her nervous. LOL!
The biggest bang was made from removing the powder from 3 packs of firecrackers and putting it in a thick cardboard tube. The explosion left a crater in the yare about a foot across and several inches deep. It was unbelievably loud - neighbors up and down the street all came outside to see what was going on. There was no mistaking where the explosion came from because there remained a huge plume of smoke hanging in the air in my yard. Again, I never got in trouble - I found it amazing no cop was called or came patrolling by later.
I did my share of modified fireworks but today they are not considered childish pranks by the authorities. Very serious penalties for making any kind of homemade bomb.