Distortion of things "hard to understand"--which apparently is nothing new, since Peter had to address the very same problem "back then".
BTS, and others,
Based on the above quote, which "logic" I am well acquainted with, I feel I must ask the question right in front of my nose: Is there another possibility?
I know that Christians defend ad nauseam the bible, and understandably so, as it serves as the basis, their Constitution if you will, as hodge podged as it is.
Still, the fact remains that men wrote these letters, men translated these letters, men preserved them, and there is very real evidence that they were "tweaked" if not outright changed through the centuries as various religio/political views came and changed with them.
So why do we still attribute what man wrote, translated, and preserved, to "god"?
Christians usually say that all other holy books (excluding the bible) are from man, and are happy to point out why. Yet when the same claim and logical premise is given concerning why the bible is lacking in its claim as being from god, then the complaints come.
I don't say that to be argumentative. As BTS has brought out, this is not a new problem. I think though, that the answer is the simple one: Instead of trying to play mental "Twister" to get these weird discombobulated writings to seem..... seamless, why not just admit what th evidence says, that the bible is hard to understand because it is a papered over attempt at creating a religion, and a god from the minds of men.
God, if he is as the bible describes, has always seemed able to talk, teach, and destroy when the mood hit. I think if there is one thing I will take from the bible, it is to wait for him to decide to act again.
Will it be too late for me then? Too late for what? I already gave up most of my young adult life, I don't intend on giving it to anymore invisible people with a big ego, a big mouth, and not much else to show for it.