"Be a better wife, and wait on Jehovah" while I was being terorized by a nutcase jw husband.
what was the worst advice you were ever given
by rockmehardplace 42 Replies latest jw friends
to witness to unbelieving family matters so we all can live together forever
Trust in Jehovah.
I was confiding in a sister about the state of my marriage and eventually I talked to the elders about it and in both cases they said to just go have sex with my husband. I kid you not! I opted for the meds instead!..........wf
Just pioneer, get your AA (2-year) degree in preschool teaching and you will be fufilled, fine and set for. ev. er.
Armageddon will be here before the year 2000, so don't go to college, get out there and pioneer!
Look to the new system when you wont remember that you child was molested by a JW you trusted, and wait on Jehovah.
If your husband won't take the lead, you've got to do it all.
Bastards. You try bringing up 4 rebellious male teenagers who all don't wanna go to the meetings/fs etc with a hubby that can't be arsed either. But still not have the status of being a "divided household" as hubby is still technically a brother.
Yep, dear James Potticary, that elder that said I have to do everyone's job as its my responsibility alone. I even remember the scripture he used to justify his stand.
Something about "not forsaking the law of your mother......."
dont worry about your job firing you...just rely on jehovah he always provides...
Leave School, become pioneer since the end was sooooooo close...It was 1984......I wish I had never been born into this f*cking cult....