I have been through AA. I had the best 5 years of my life in AA.
I am an alcoholic.
Right now I am a drunk. I dont go to meetings.
I've been out of AA since about 1990. I've been pretty miserable drinking and not drinking
being a dry drunk.
When I worked AA. I believed in the God of my understanding which to me was the God
of the bible.
AA says to keep it simple, stupid.
I started feeling so good that I didnt need AA anymore. I started drinking again and
I started analyzing deep spiritual principles.
Not necessarily in that order.
Trying to determine who jesus and god are is like peeling an oninon
one layer after another until you have nothing and are mad and crazy.
Keep it simple stupid.
I dont mean to insult you. I am talking as much to myself.
AA works if you work it.
The God of your understanding can and will return you to sanity.
Just dont watch the Wizard of Oz and look behind the curtain to find out who
God/ the wizzard is.
Because once you destroy your god of AA theres no more life boats or rescue hellicopters,
that I know of.
I have found if you have an inquisitive inquiring mind and are not a zombie walking around
in a brain dead trance.
There are no answers to the big questions of life.
Which leaves me to believe we were designed not to know.
Just as we are designed to die.
Preprogrammed cell death.
Theres answers, but none that you can share with anyone else.
The closer you get to the truth the less agreement and more argument you will find.