Father Mick told me that God was first. He spoke Jesus name and Jesus came to be. Jesus spoke God's name and the Spirit came to be. Or something similar. He was always Roman Catholic and then became an Episcopalian Priest. The way he describes it, they are separate. But he calls it the Trinity.
Personal experience of accepting Jesus as God, how was it for you?
by digderidoo 44 Replies latest jw friends
In John 20:28 Thomas, doubting that Jesus was standing in front of him after being crucified and resurrected, responded with "My Lord and My God." This is not the only place in the Bible that shows us that Jesus is in fact Divine and he is God, sent to earth as The Son of God to save us from our sins. Does this sound contradictory? Of course it does. Do we have the capabilities as mere humans to UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING about God? Absolutely not. That is where Faith comes in.
However, on a personal level, I can honestly tell you that once a hopeless drug addict, Jesus answered my prayers and saved me. I dropped to my knees one afternoon in my living room while home alone, and called out from the depths of my soul to Jesus/God and asked for forgiveness of ALL my sins, everything and anything I had ever done to anyone, and I promised Him from the depths of my heart that I would live the rest of my life for Him and according to His Word.
Since that time, I have not touched drugs or alcohol- and it's been more than 7 years; I now have a peace that truly does go beyond my understanding, even when my dear husband dropped dead in front of my eyes. He is True and Faithful to those that Love Him and believe in Him. Yes, Jesus is truly the Divine Son of God, one third of the "entity" that I call G-d, which also includes His Holy Spirit that now dwells within me!
May God Bless and Keep You!
I have read all of the posts with interest, sorry that i cannot respond to everyone but my time is limited today.
I want to pick up on Jaguarbass -
I have been through AA. I had the best 5 years of my life in AA.
I have heard you say this before, so do not understand why you don't try again. AA is always there, the door is always open. You are correct in keeping it simple, i have complicated the program. But now i am looking into aspects of Christianity because i no longer have the anger against God and biblical techings that i had 18 months ago. I feel comfortable with my progression through the steps, but those steps are always evolving and changing. If i can take something from a Christian perspective then in my view that would only add quality to how i work the AA program. I have considered visiting a church, i am curious as to why ex JW's who once felt so strongly on that Jesus is God's son have taken up the concept of Jesus as God.
This thread has given me a great insight into people's experience.
As regards the Reniia comments, i feel that she has respected the fact that i have asked for no debate on this thread. It seems as though when she posts a comment that many want to respond to her, which in turn makes her respond back. I saw this on the other thread and felt as though it wasn't just Reniia hijacking that particular thread. I do read her posts on here, it kind of reminds me what i used to believe, which is a good thing for me. But i do see many that use her as a bit of a punchbag for post JW anger. I admit that i am in the minority in that i enjoy her posts, maybe it's because i let go of my JW anger by working the AA program and appreciate that there are many here that still have that anger that i harbored for many years.
Hi lurk3r
Thanks for your post :)
Chalam - I appreciate you letting your feelings and thoughts out to the extent you have with your first post in this thread.It's a far cry from the "bible thumping" Chalam that I have come to "know". Granted I have not read all your posts, but I THINK , on a whole that's how I would sum it up for me personally. I'm fairly sure you realize that I mean no offense towards you. You can quote what the "good book" has to say till your blue in the fingers(ha!), but for myself, unless you actually say how you FEEL, in your own words, it will always fall short for me, as I think JC has to be bigger than the bible. After all, he is God right? He HAS to be.
My apologies if I post too much scripture! Testimony is powerful. Without the actual hearing about how all the spiritual teaching works in physical life it could well sound a bit unbalanced. I agree. Anyhow, I mainly post the bible because I believe it leads to the abundant life that Jesus talks about and secondly because it tears down the false WT teaching :)
I would LOVE to accept JC. I have reasons within myself, and outside of myself to too. But I won't, at least not yet.Until I am SURE, I will not take that plunge.
That's cool. Jesus said to look before you leap. However, don't put it off for ever. I did that for 20 years and I could have saved myself from a lot of pain and grief in the process.
Come on in, the water is nice and warm :) Revelation 22:17
Chalam, I do appreciate your, along with others, expressions of faith regarding Jesus. There is nothing to hide...it's just JC. Plain and simple. But really, how do you know you didn't "sell out"? Im asking this in the most respectful way too, don't get me wrong. The last thing,the very last thing I am gonna do is accept him till I know...and one day, like yourself, perhaps I will. I don't see them too often, but there ARE ex born agains out there. I can think of NO worst feeling in "accepting him", only to "wonder" about it down the road. I appreciate your experience, but with all the many thoughts expressed in the world, and on this board, I would be devastated beyond expression in making such a pledge, knowing that I could well see it another way one day. For all the many idea's, thoughts and feelings I have had, accepting Jesus, somehow feels like the end of the line. I don't like that thought. An animal bound in a cage, if thats all he knows, is very happy there. Ignorance is bliss, at least for some. I would hate to accept him and become ignorant to the world around me. There are many questions, and many answers, and no offense, but your joy does not equal mine.
Hey, that's it, plain and simple, just Jesus Christ like you said.
Forgive me but you have been suckered by the WT. Even worse, they used (abused) Jesus' name in the process. Now you are "once bitten twice shy". You don't want to get fooled again and I understand that, and so does Jesus.
My advise is open the New Testament and read Book of John. If you have thoughts and questions then ask Him. If you are angry about something then tell Him. Try this for a week or so and something will happen, I guarantee! Really, you have nothing to loose. If you want something you need to persevere, especially if it is something of value.
I once had a run in with some people, that hate him. I once had an experience that affected me, my heart, and my mind in very literal way. Throughout that period of time, and under some very extraordinary circumstances, I came to believe that "the spirit" of Jesus, does exist. I have had some grandiose thoughts about "the man", and in my wildest dreams have wondered about his "role". Accepting Jesus is an exchange of sorts in my opinion, and I would hate to be disappointed.After all, he is God to you and many. After that, there would be nothing left if it didn't work out. I'm not ready for that, nor will I prepare.
People get mad with Jesus unlike any other "spiritual guru" or "prophet". IMHO that is because He actually is God but each has to decide.
Sure, the Holy Spirit does exist, He speaks, He is everywhere, He know everything and He leads people to Jesus as He is the Spirit of Jesus. Talk to Him. Everyone likes to be talked to and not ignored :)
All the best,