Ok, fess up, how many of you dirt-bags were into that sleazy network-marketing crap?

by gubberningbody 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • gubberningbody

    Seems to me that you could go to any one of those meetings and find a JW.

    Oh and weren't there alway those theocratic urban legends about some family somewhere who bought into said ponzi scam and they all quit their jobs and are pioneering now that they've gotten into it?

  • shamus100

    Absolutely not.

    God, I hated that crap!

    REmember the weird diets? We had one guy who ate nothing but carrots. Guess what color he turned? ORANGE. I am not making this up at all. He had to stop, of course, because he looked like a total ass.


    Shamus..I know someone who did the same thing..It may very well be the same person.......How many JW`s..That live in BC..Turn Orange..The odds are pretty slim,there was 2 of them..LOL!!

    PM me his name if you don`t mind..


  • shamus100

    OH, it's coming my friend.

    Is this person number four I've met on this board I have met already??

    What the hell is wrong with those people???

  • gubberningbody

    Let's see...

    There was Amway - old school

    Then there was excel communications - not so much

    Then a bunch got involved in prepaid funerals

    Then there was prepaid legal

    Then someone was selling immunical

    I remember one guy who was alway sdriving fancy cars and NEVER had a real job...

  • cognac

    What do they do that's wrong? Just curious...

  • gubberningbody

    Are you sure you're not playing the shill for me cognac?


  • cognac

    lol, gubber... shill? let me get back to you... gotta get to dictionary.com.

  • drwtsn32
    What do they do that's wrong? Just curious...

    MLMs are (barely) legal pyramid schemes. They have a product that they sell, but the real way you make money is by recruiting people. The true purpose of the product is to make the scheme legal.

  • cognac

    ok, shill:

    a person who poses as a customer in order to decoy others into participating, as at a gambling house, auction, confidence game, etc.

    nope! I don't gamble, sorry!

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