Have I missed the boat? Never thought the system would go on so I would never face this situation....Problem is my mum always told me how I was the firstborn after 4 baby deaths {this really messed her up and scared me} Me and my Sister who is married and 30 have had no kids....no grandkids for my family. I'm financially well off, and without kids I spend money on whatever I want and have pets but....still feels abit empty. Hope it works out, just very scared about trying.
Armagedon delayed so we are planning babies at 37 years old!! Advice?
by Witness 007 32 Replies latest jw experiences
I'm 42 with a 14 month old girl. She is a light in my life. Nothing can compare to meeting your child for the first time.
Go for it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Hi Witness 007,
I say go for it! Children are a gift, I have two :)
All the best,
Scarred for life
I had my 3rd child at 38. I know many people that are older than that that have had babies. I can think of at least 3 people that had babies at 48(mother).
Go for it. You will never regret it.
Witness007, go for it. You are not too old.
Witness 007
Yeah I sort of thought un-protected sex for afew months would make a baby....nope, not that easy...
WITNESS- Make love like bunnies and make it happen if that's what you BOTH want ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Me and my wife started when I was about 31 she was only 25 here we are 8 years later at 20 weeks expecting on Nov. 22nd we tried for 3 years before we got pregnant the first time and had to go through 4 miscarriages. I will be almost 40 at the time and I couldn't be happier.
PM me if you would like we had a lot of trouble but we have learned a lot as well and my wife would be more then happy to share info via email. Over seas phone call could be expensive..
These are all good stories to hear... I am 33 and hubby is 38... we just got married last summer and want to do so many things and travel before we could even think about having kids... heck- I need to graduate college first...
We'll probably be 36-37 and 42-43 when we have our first... fingers crossed.
I had my first two children in my early 20's, my last one at 43.
I'm a much better parent now then with my first two.
My preschooler has two mature parents in a solid relationship. My hubby and I both have good jobs that give us plenty of free time and we are debt free with money in the bank. Our child is the center and the light of our lives.
My two older children had none of those things.
I strongly encourage people to wait until they are at least 30 to have children.
Best of luck to you.