I am sure it will be "earthshattering" when it's finally presented to the world. I am sure it will bring just that much more confusion and probably the seeds for new doctrines.
"Before its discovery in the early 19th Century by the Indiana Jones of his day, it remained hidden in St Catherine's Monastery since at least the 4th Century."
This makes me think of WT ambiguity. This article does not name this person who "discovered it"; we are just supposed to accept some anonomyous "Indiana Jones" found it. And to claim that it has "been hidden in a Monastery all these centuries". Sorry I ain't buying it. Who hid it---the Pope? Housecleaning nuns misplaced it? A manuscript that old and valuable, doesn't end up hidden underneath the sofa for over a thousand years.
A treasure like that would have to have been deliberately withheld. I don't think it would just sit innocuously on a shelf for hundreds of years. Why has it been kept secret? What...you think the Vatican doesn't take inventory? C'mon!
I am less excietd about the new bible than I am the agenda behind it. Why has it been brought forth at this time? Is it because this book upholds Luciferian doctrine and this is the new agenda? Is this book being brought forth because too many people are too close to discovering the lies of religion and this hopes to confuse them even more?
..... and about that Burning Bush......do you all have any idea how many gas fissures are in that oil rich area? The first prophets were sybils who tranced from sniffing the natural gas from fissures. Of course there are burning bushes there. And there is a logical explanation---not some mysterious zapping power!