It didn't occur to me that there might be some ulterior motive in digitizing this ancient manuscript. It is one of the oldest and most valuable documents held by the British Library and it seems a public service to make it more widely available for those interested. Is there also an ulterior motive in digitizing the Magna Carta, or any other famous documents? I can almost imagine similar speculation when the printing press made consistently accurate copies of manuscripts more widely available. But it is only a beginning. In order to be relevant to textual criticism many more of the early papyri and codices will need to be digitized but I am sure that will come with time.
PSacramento : one wonders if Denomination A believed they were the "right one" because they had verison 1.2 and Denomination B had version 1.4, or that Denomination C was correct because they had version 1.7 and the other version were "obsolete".
This was certainly true in the case of Marcion who not only excluded the Old Testament from Christian scripture but also any writings which associated Christians with the God of the Jews. The need for deciding on the Bible canon was in large part necessary because of Marcion's very selective determination of what the Word of God was.